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28 Best Fitness & Gym Website Templates 2024


Fitness and health have become major concerns nowadays. With new ideas and evolution in living healthy and exercising, there is now unlimited possibility of what we can do. And the best part about being in this digitalized era is that you can access almost everything online. That’s right, now there is no need to wait for health tips, gym memberships, reserve and book personal trainers or even shop for gym equipment the old-fashioned way because a simple solution has taken over the mainstream way! A simple, effective, and appealing Fitness and Gym website allows easy access to all of these. So today we have prepared a list of the Best Premium HTML5 gym website template options that make setting up a website super-easy!

Each template we have chosen features exclusive, responsive, and stunning design and plenty of awesome elements you can choose from! Simplifying the whole process, look at our list of Best Premium HTML5 fitness website templates below! We have also included a few multi-purpose business website templates for a similar purpose. So feel free to browse and find the best one that suits your needs!


The first name on our list today is the creative, multipurpose and versatile sports and fitness website template Sportstrainer. While designed for all the niches of fitness, health coaches, gyms, health clubs, and more, there are plenty of pre-built pages alongside easy-to-use customizing options to get exactly what you need. It offers both multi and one-page variations you can opt for, and there are amazing layout styles as well. These are also designed to be completely responsive, retina-ready, and pixel-perfect. There are over 180 HTML pages, which is as flexible and versatile as it gets to say the least. And being completely based off the powerful Bootstrap framework is upto date with all the latest web-standards.

Getting more in depth, there are tons of awesome components that keeps your users engaged most efficiently. The mega menu atop it all makes for an easy browsing experience for your users. Integrating with MailChimp and accessing professional contact forms allows you to manage your emails and contacts. Apart from this, there are options to add creative icons, tables, purpose-oriented media files, sections for blogs, galleries, and more. Even the header and footer sections are pretty flexible. All in all a great and powerful template package for anything related to sports and fitness, this makes for a stunning gym website template as well.

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Gymnast is a powerful design-based fitness website template that is ideal for promoting the cause of fitness, health, and sports. That’s right, it features a stylish and edgy design that is visually stunning and graphically advanced. Every element included in the template is created with great attention to detail. This means that once you get the package for yourself, you are assured of a great-performing website. It is even tested on multiple devices to easily adjust to every device frame. The colour schemes, alongside the brilliant interface, are nothing short of perfection. Perfect for gyms, health clubs, and fitness-related institutions, it consists of everything you require to get a professional site started. The visuals are excellent and execute HD imagery. 

The great thing is that you get a range of demo files you can easily install with a click. The full-width Sliders add a creative touch your users will appreciate. Additionally, the Header can add creative CTAs and effective social media icons. Aimed at an active lifestyle, this template has a functional page to display the schedule and timetable. You can also add details and information on the courses you provide and the coaches and trainers available. Completely cross-browser compatible, this template is also fast-loading. Furthermore, you get a functional Contact Form that makes managing your users’ details easier. The codes used are clean and well-commented, making it developer-friendly as well.

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Quanco is yet another premium gym and fitness website template built on the powerful Bootstrap framework. As it is backed up with a clean and well-commented CSS and HTML coding structure, it is advanced and feature-rich. The visuals are minimal yet impressive thanks to the colour schemes and various elements included. Sure to take your site to the next level, this template is also fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Additionally, the visuals are enhanced as it features pixel-perfect resolution with HD imagery. But that’s not the only great thing about this theme. Ideal for fitness and health-based websites, it has plenty of awesome customizing options that you can use to get your site started. The best part is that it can turn any website into a fully functional event-managing website.

It includes multiple home pages and professional inner pages. The simple, clean and well-commented codes ensure a problem-free and developer-friendly experience. In addition to this, the template is completely cross-browser compatible and loads on every browser with ease. Furthermore, you can also start a membership or newsletter using the fully functional Contact form. The blogs and gallery pages are also detail-oriented, so anything you wish to display looks amazing. What’s more is that you can add interesting media files using the Sliders and Carousels. Whether you want to add the details of the services you provide, trainers, pricings or more, this creative template has the option.

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Zymmy is an edgy and strong designed HTML fitness and gym website template. With an efficient layout structure powered by the Bootstrap framework, it is perfect for health and fitness-based sites. And if you own a gym, health club, yoga, Zumba or any centres dedicated to the health and fitness sector, then this template is the perfect choice. It is responsive and retina-ready, and the overall template features HD imagery. Even the colour combinations and the styles are designed especially with the niche. Making it ideal even for business sites, it also includes options to start an online shop.

It includes the Revolution Slider, which enables an easy option to create wonderful Sliders and Carousels. In addition to this, you also get pages dedicated to teachers, trainers, stores, events and more. The huge Home Page has stylish features and styles for menus, headers and footers. Choose from over 20 HTML pages that includes blog, contact, service, pricings, and testimonials.The clean and minimal aspect of the template focuses your content and the visual effect for an appealing yet professional look and feel. Get tons of customization options; the package and create the perfect website you have always wanted for your business. 

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Hit up is a creative solution for those seeking a professional and effective website for their gyms, health clubs, and fitness-related niche. The Bootstrap based template is stylish and modern keeping your users wanting more. That’s right! It provides an option for both One and Multi-Page design. And if you are looking for a custom feel to your site, this template is surely the right choice. It is flexible, highly customizable and the best part is that it is user-friendly. Making it effective both feature-wise and visual-wise, it is responsive, retina-ready, and pixel-perfect. But that’s not all, you also get amazing looking demos, 2 Home Pages and creative Inner Pages to start with. And installing them is only a matter of minutes.

Now, talking about the features, you can add engaging content with extreme ease. You can also switch the fonts and typographies using the Google Font integration. In addition to this, as it provides easy payment gateway through WooCommerce you can even set up an online shop to sell your merchandise. Add the details to the trainings and services you provide, add images to attract clients, add appealing CTA’s and more. Adding memberships and managing user data are also a piece of cake as you get a fully functioning AJAX Contact form.

Furthermore, it is also cross-browser compatible. The blog sections are also designed to be SEO optimized. So get a head start and win over your competitions right away!

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A flexible HTML fitness and gym website template, Core is an awesome option to opt for. Offering a range of awesome variations and possibilities you can reach, this template is flexible. This ensures that no matter what your requirements are, you have the option to personalize it however you want. That’s right! It features multiple detailed Home Page variations with Sliders, Parallax, Video, Full Screen and even Full-width options. In addition, it is responsive and retina-ready making it ideal for any types of hand-held devices. The images you decide to display on your site appear flawless thanks to the HD imagery and pixel-perfect design.

Additionally, you can even choose from the Header and Menu style variations. The template is WooCommerce compatible and provides an easy option to start an online shop. And once you invest in the premium package you have also ensured lifetime free updates. So what are you waiting for?

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Unlike the multi-purpose template we mentioned above, Blackfit, the next name on our list of gym website templates, is just that. A professionally crafted, niche-based HTML theme designed for gyms, health clubs, and professional trainers to promote their services. It is pretty straightforward and uniquely designed, so you can start off right away without much effort. Responsive and excellent with the graphics, all the media files alongside all the various elements are pretty flawless. And there are over 15 pre-built page layouts you can use to add that efficiency you are looking for. From amazing homes to services, about us, timetables, trainers, shops, blogs, contacts, and more, you get it all.

All of these perfectly cater to the niche and perfectly compliment the design. And adding to this, the theme is cross-browser compatible, SEO ready, and RTL friendly. It is also equipped with the AJAX contact form and newsletter subscriptions option, allowing you to easily manage your contacts. You can even add a custom location for your users to easily find your business thanks to Google Maps. All in all, a simple, straightforward option for those looking to get started right away, Blackfit stands out.

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Now getting onto another huge template package, that is versatile, multi-purpose and great for various health and fitness sites, Luvfit comes up next. Vibrant, colorful, and eye-catching with the design, it is also designed to be completely responsive. There are 3 distinct demos you can start with or, a collection of 34 advanced HTML pages you can use. From stunning homes to all the useful inner pages, you get it all. Even the header, footer, are flexible and can be customized as per need. For this, you get an array of custom widgets and components you can add. The whole template is also cross-browser compatible, SEO ready and super fast loading to say the least.

The responsive mega menu, with multi-level drop down and effect on hover certainly makes for an easy browsing experience. Apart from this, it also includes all the SCSS sources, and the complete GULP work-flow. The super engaging sliders, carousels, galleries certainly stand out here. You can even use the banner sections to add promotional content for your users. Whether you want to advertise your services, add informative contents, start online memberships, showcase your timetables and trainers, this template is the answer.

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Gym Expert

Gym Expert us a professionally crafted niche based gym website template aimed at the fitness, health, gym and similar category of websites. Even ideal for sports and crossfit, zumba, boxing and more, it is pretty flexible to say the least. Clean and modern, the design itself is a unique blend of efficiency and versatality to match. It is completely responsive, retina-ready and pixel perfect ensuring an excellent visual overall. It relies fully on the powerful Bootstrap framework, alongside the HTML, CSS, JS and JQuery-based codes. All of these are to ensure a smooth performance and overall great efficiency. It also includes a RTL version that you can use to your preference. Talking about efficiency, this template is also SEO friendly which means that it offers the latest SEO techniques and accessibility.

Getting more into the details, you can find all you need to start from scratch. There are pre-designed pages for gallery, blog, service, courses, trainers, opening hours, testimonials and more. Not only this, but with access to the advanced Google Maps, you can also add in custom Google Map element. Getting creative has never been so easy as you also get access to stunning gallery designs and the premium plugin Revolution Slider. For customizing, you get an unlimited range of color schemes, premium fonts and icons. You can also choose from 3 different header styles each depicting a different sense of styling. All of the files included with the template is well-coded and secure.

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Another stunning gym website template we have next in line for you is GYMEE. Niche based and pretty much aimed towards all the categories related to health, wellness and exercising and sports. Each of the design elements are stylish, modern and super eye-catching. Vibrant, stylish and stunning visually, it is also completely responsive, and retina-ready ensuring an absolute flawless interface. And the best part here is that there are so many pre-built components and elements you can get a head start with. In total there are over 30 premium HTML files all dedicated to the various niches. Among these, you will also find 5 different Home page variations, each unique with its sense of styling. All of these are also fully responsive and adjusts to every device screens with ease. Not only this, but you also get to choose from dark and light variations of each one.

With the integration of the stunning Slick Slider you can add in all your medias in the most creative manner. And if you prefer, all of the PSD files showcased on the demos is also included with the template package. It is completely cross-browser compatible and loads effortlessly throughout all major browsers. Easy to personalize and pretty user-friendly, this template offers a huge array of professional customizing options. From stunning color schemes, attractive fonts, engaging animations, CTA buttons as well as social icons, all of these are at your disposal. So get kick-start to your online presence with GYMEE right away!

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Let’s start off with some of the newest additions to the Themeforest template collection. First and foremost we have Rexfit. A professionally designed gym and fitness website template that is visually amazing. Best suited for every kind of fitness and health club, yoga studio, meditation, and even personal trainer, the template sure is a flexible one. And with the use of Bootstrap framework as the foundation, it is also pretty reliable and secure. Not to mention fully adjustable according to the device screen sizes as it is fully responsive.

Another great thing is that it is highly customizable and comes with an array of unique features and options you can opt for. The whole structure also supports various styles of Home pages and other inner pages. And there are a total of 31 HTML pages you get in total.

Getting into the details, there are 2 different Header styles along with 3 menu styles that match your theme design. In addition to this, you can also customize the color palette it exudes among an unlimited range. Useful components like pricing tables, side navigation and more are implicable. Furthermore, you also get access to OwlCarousel, Revolution Slider, and attractive sections for images and videos you can showcase. For a more professional feel, you can access full sections dedicated to blogs, contacts, trainers, classes, details, schedules and even 404 error page. All of these are undoubtedly cross-browser compatible, RTL friendly and SEO friendly.

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If you are looking to stand out from the overall site examples, then Fitmax is surely one that you will love. Designed with a unique flair, it is perfect for fitness, gym, health clubs, and any similar niche website. One of the focus points here is the touch-enabled sliders that are featured on the Home Page. You can use this for promotional purposes while keeping your users hooked onto the site. The template is also highly customizable, which means you can adjust each component to your preference. The bold and professional-looking typography and fonts are another appealing factor. And to top it all off, these are all fully responsive, retina-ready, and pixel-perfect.

As it is built on the HTML and CSS code structure, this template offers several creative ailments. From animations, effects, transitions and parallax sections, everything is at your disposal. Not to mention the option to opt for video background if you prefer. Fitmax is also cross-browser compatible and loads effortlessly throughout every browsers. The whole package is well-documented, clean and secure. Users can also access creative components like dynamic contact forms, Google Map, social links, and more.

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Fitaza is an HTML5 based gym and fitness website template that is professional, modern and clean. Each of the elements are designed to perform at an optimal level so that it offers the users an excellent experience. Perfect for personal trainers and fitnes and health based businesses, you can choose from many variations. This includes 5 incredibly designed Home Pages, alongside over 34 other Inner Pages. From blogs, home, trainers, contact, services and even 404 error, you have pages dedicated to it all. And there are multiple unique and beautiful header styles that matches your personal preference. All of these are fully responsive and adjusts according to the screen sizes.

As it relies on the powerful Bootstrap framework, it sure is flexible and follows all the latest web standards. The parallax sections along with animations and effects, this template makes use of subtle CSS codes throughout the template. Furthermore, with Google Maps, users can also map out or add the location of their businesses for users to find. The look it features is pretty unique, and the creative components are what make it stand out. Fitaza is also highly adjustable, and effortlessly loads throughout all the major web browsers. You also get access to professional contact forms, attractive social links, newsletter subscriptions and more to reach your audiences. Overall a pretty amazing option to opt form we recommend for our users to at least try!

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Another one on our list of the best fitness website templates is Stayfit. A complete package of amazing visuals and impactful features, this sure is an ideal way to get started. There are 3 Home Page variations, each depicting a different feel. Not only this, but there are plenty of other element variations you can personalize according to your preference. This template is pretty flexible and versatile and ideal for every health, gym, fitness, yoga, meditation, and similar niche website. It is also based on the latest Bootstrap framework, assuring the users of amazing flexibility. Not only this, but the codes used to create are all well-commented, neat and secure.

Getting into the details, the look itself is pretty great and stands out from the crowd. You can also choose the blog and gallery styles along with an attractive set of Home Page designs. There are components like pricing tables, creative Google font options, icons, galleries, contact forms, and more to aid these pages. Furthermore, it is also implemented with Google Maps, which allows users to add custom locations. Not only this, but the overall structure is cross-browser compatible, SEO friendly, and pretty appealing overall. So get started with your next fitness project only with Stayfit.

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Zarxio is a simple, straight-forward and purpose-oriented fitness website template that is a perfect fit for the niche. Responsive, retina-ready, and pixel-perfect, its overall appeal is impeccable. Whether you own a gym, fitness and health clubs, and all of the similar niches of websites, this template is pretty flexible and versatile. There are also multiple Home Page and Inner page variations you can opt for. Not to mention the range of easy customization options it offers.  This template will look exactly how you want it, from color pallettes to creative icons and fonts.

There are 3 unique Home pages and a list of 18 Inner Pages dedicated to various sections. Blogs, galleries, services, trainers, and more are all included. The template itself if packed with premium-like components. This includes options for OwlCarousel, Slick Slider, Google Fonts, Rcounter, Countdown timer, and more. All of the templates are well-documented, secure and valid. As this template relies on the Bootstrap framework, it also makes way for a developer-friendly option. Not to mention the creative animations, effects, pre-loaders and more enabled with CSS codes. All in all a pretty great solution to all your web-creating dilemmas, Zarxio is worth a mention here.

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Health Coach

Perfect for health-based trainers, coaches, gym websites, and similar niche, just as the name suggests, this premium HTML template is designed exactly for the category. Simple, clean and professional looking, the style and design is immaculate. Visually pleasing to the eyes, the overall concept and styling is modern in all ways. Users can choose whether to go for a multi-page or a one-page design. And whatever you choose, you can go for either the dark or light version. The interface is pretty user-friendly and easy to understand. And because the framework used is so flexible and versatile, the possibility you can come up with is limitless. Get over 180 HTML pages that you can use to your benefit. And the best part is that all the elements and components are responsive and retina-ready.

This means no matter which device your users are on, it readily adjusts according to the screen size. Now, getting into the efficient features, there is plenty to mention. However, the core features are cross-browser compatibility, multiple color scheme options and overall performance. But that’s not all, expanding and managing your clients and their email is super easy thanks to the MailChimp integration. For easier navigation the creators have also made use of the mega menu. With important sections for trainers, courses, pricing, services and more, the result will surely be professional. All of the codes are also neat, organized and well-documented. This ensures that when you implement it on your site, you will have a flawless template to work with.

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Another one for the fitness and health niche, HealthZone isana efficient and robust set of features packed into one HTML template. Stylish, eye-catching and vibrant with the styling, the template is sure to appeal to anyone who lands on the site. Built with multiple concepts in mind, this is ideal for gym, boxing, training, martial arts, nutrition, yoga, nursing and pretty much every health based sites. And thanks to the flexibility, users can end up with a unique result with a custom touch each time they use the template. All of the elements are designed to be completely responsive and retina-ready. Not only this, but you get tons of awesome options to choose from so that you don’t waste tons of time and effort starting from scratch.

Get over 500 HTML pages, including Home Page and Inner Page and additional pages option. There are also over 200 ready-to-use layout styles that you can pick out. The template is also RTL language friendly and translation ready. And for those who wish to sell off their merchandise, it also includes creative shop pages. Choose from 3 different header and Footer styles. But that’s not all, you also get access to 15 uniquely designed Menu styles. Other mentionable features of this template includes speed optimization, SEO friendly concept, cross-browser compatibility, MailChimp integration, social icons, creative fonts, icons and slider options. So get a head start on any of your future project only with the premium template HealthZone.

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If you are looking for a quality based website template for your gym and fitness website, Gymbase seems like the perfect option. Featuring a professional and minimalist aspect, this template makes sure that the overall features of the website is enough to keep your users hooked to your site. The template also features a responsive and retina-ready design that adjusts to any screen size with no difficulty. The main focus of the template will be the Home Page Slider that scales down automatically depending on the screen resolution.

Furthermore, this template also contains blog pages that you can use with comment section and filterable portfolio. The template is powered by jQuery and based on the powerful Bootstrap template. It also features a Timetable template to inform your users exactly what services and routines you follow. You can also add social icons and latest tweets as well as Contact forms for a more interactive interface. The location can be added using the Google Map integration. The package also has extensive documentation to help you get started!

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GYM Edge

Designed and built especially with gyms and trainers and fitness and health based websites, GYM edge is a powerful HTML5 template! With a responsive and standard quality, this fitness website template is fully responsive and retina ready. You can use this template to build websites for yoga classes, gyms, personal trainers, health centers as well as every health based niche. With the template, you also get to choose from 14 different Inner Page design that is all responsive and mobile-friendly. It is powered by Bootstrap framework adding an innovative and creative touch to it.

The HTML5 and CSS3 code used to build the template are all well-documented and well-coded to be easily customizable. In addition to that, GYM edge is also integrated with advanced features like Nivo Slider and Carousel Slider. The Pixel perfect design with the website also integrates a fully functioning AJAX Contact Form for easier interaction. FontAwesome and Google Fonts power the creative typography option available.

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Fitness Zone

Fitness Zone is yet another stunning fitness website template that features an amazing design with a modern and clean feel to it. Best suited for gyms, sports club, fitness centers, personal trainers, as well as websites of similar niche, this HTML5 template is responsive and retina-ready with effective and appealing skins and Home Page layouts that you can choose from. It features amazing elements that you can add in a matter of minutes. Trendy and effective, this template will keep your site engaging and appealing to your users.

Furthermore, with the template, you also get Mega Menu and Sticky navigation so that the menu stays intact no matter how far down your users scroll. It also includes a working AJAX Contact form from which you can collect your users’ details. This ensures that none of your potential clients are out of your hands. The well-coded and commented shortcodes also works seamlessly to add important elements to your website. Overall, Fitness Zone is the perfect fitness website template you seek!

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A responsive and professional looking, Activity is an amazing option for fitness website template. It is designed and built especially with gyms, fitness centers, trainers, and health & fitness niches in mind. Built with the Bootstrap framework, the grids and columns look awesome no matter what device it is on. The best thing about this template is that it is equipped with 4 different Calories Calculators, i.e. Daily calories calculator, Calories Burned By Heart Rate Calculator, calories burned by activity Calculator and BMI Body Mass calculator.

This template is cross-browser compatible, ensuring your website loads fast and performs great in any internet browsers. The template along with all the elements are also Retina-ready. You can add a touch of creativeness with around 1900 Fontello Icons. Get all the necessary details with the AJAX Contact Forms included with the template and never lose any potential client again. Startup what you have always wanted with this effective and feature rich fitness website template- Activity right away!

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Arcon is a premium HTML multipurpose website template that is suitable for almost niche of websites. With tons of customization options and updating the elements anything is possible with this template. It features a responsive and visually stunning layout that compliments any online platform. Built with the powerful Bootstrap framework Arcon includes high-resolution images and fonts that make your website even more attractive. Choose from the range of template design available and start with the one that suits your needs best.

The template also includes over 75 different HTML files, making the process of creating a website from scratch almost too easy. You can even choose a video background to make your site more appealing and engaging. It includes over 15 different shortcodes too, for adding any necessary elements. This template’s Other advanced features include Entire Font Awesome access, Lightbox Photo Gallery, Boxed and Wide layout, CSS3 animations and effects. Furthermore, this template also provides excellent customer service for their users!

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Fitness Gym

Fitness Gym is another powerful and feature-packed HTML5 fitness website template that best suits gym, trainers, sports, and health-based websites. The layout it features is fully responsive and stunning-looking. The dark color scheme that is integrated adds the extra appeal element. Get advanced options to customize and add elements onto your website with ease. You also get a variety of Pages option to choose from. Create the perfect online platform to make the world healthy with Fitness Gym!

You can choose either the multi-page or single-page design to start with, according to your preference. Furthermore, the template also provides an additional option to include a separate Trainer Page for a more informative look. In addition, you get access to clean and well-documented codes that you can easily customize to fit your vision. The revolution slider provides another amazing option to make your website more appealing. You can also add interesting and creative typography using the Google Fonts. The template is also cross-browser compatible, letting your site load fast no matter which browser you prefer!

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Fitness Coach

Fitness Coach as the name suggests is a premium fitness website template based on the latest Bootstrap framework. And if you are looking for something to represent your health club, gym, fitness centres or more, then this template is the right choice! It’s modern and unique design structure is completely responsive and retina-ready. To top it off, the template also executes an excellent typography and font options. In addition to the amazing visuals that will impress anyone, it is also easy to customize and highly flexible. That’s right! You can easily add, remove or edit the elements included within as easy as a breeze. It is tested on all major hand-held devices, assuring its users of an optimal performance.

Fitness Coach is cross-browser compatible whether you prefer to use Firefox, Safari or even internet explorer or Opera. To make things easier and let your users find you easily, you can also add a custom Google Map. The layout is also stunningly complimented with the parallax background option and animations and effects. You also get a fully functional Contact Form to collect user data. The CSS and HTML codes used are clean and well-commented. However, that’s not all. The awesome looking Home Page features a full-width Image Header where you can add appealing media files. Even the call-to-action buttons and the fonts you choose further enhances the visuals. Display all your services, pricing, informative contents with ease only with Fitness Coach.

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Another great option for you to choose as a fitness website template is the Gymfit. It is responsive, and the design structure is created especially with the sports, fitness and health niche in mind. The best part about this template is that you can choose from both One Page and Multi-Page website design. It is powered with the advanced Bootstrap framework, so it matches all the latest standards. Talking about the variations you get, this template includes 3 unique and beautifully designed Home Pages both One and Multi Pages. In addition to this, you also have 27 Inner Pages including Blog Page, About Page, Courses, Contact and more. It is also compatible with all the major internet browsers as well. But that’s not the only thing you can choose as you get plenty of personalizing and customizing options.

Using the Revolution Slider, you can add appealing galleries, Sliders, Carousels and more. Also, the template features smooth scrolling, hover effects and more thanks to the CSS and HTML coding. With the integration of Google Fonts and FontAwesome, you also get elegant and professional fonts. To make things more effective, you can add timetable pages, information about trainers, Coming Soon details, and even 404 pages. The template also allows you to easily add custom Google Maps. Depending on your device screen, the layout structure automatically adjusts with the resolution. You also get a professional AJAX Contact Form that you easily use to your benefit. Another great point is that it is also translation ready and WPML compatible. Get an awesome experience without any expert help only with GymFit.

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Yoga Zone

As the name suggests, YogaZone is a simple and elegant website template designed for Yoga and fitness websites. The design follows a simplistic and clean approach towards the visuals and style. It is completely responsive and mobile-friendly which makes this template look amazing no matter which device you use. It is minimal and lightweight and has a fast loading speed. Although designed for yoga, this template is ideal for any type of fitness, health and similar niche of websites. And for your convenience, there are plenty of personalizing and customizing options. You can choose from 3 differently designed Home Pages that covers almost every category of Yoga and fitness category. Additionally, the template package has over 100 HTML files that is ready to use!

Powered by the advanced Bootstrap framework, this template is SEO optimized, minimal and uses powerful CSS and HTML coding. Apart from the Home Page variations, you also have 7 different Header styles, 6 unique Footer styles as well as over 8 Testimonial Pages to choose from. You can also implement the Parallax effects, animations, and more to make things appealing. Thanks to the Free Google Fonts and icons, your site will look fabulous. However, that’s not all. You get lifetime free updates once you buy the package for yourself so that you have no problem using this template. Other amazing features include BxSlider with CSS3 transitions, 404 Page, AJAX contact form, clean and effective codes, cross-browser compatibility and more!

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Another awesome HTML template we recommend our users is FitD. The professional and unique looking design is completely responsive. Not only this, but this Bootstrap powered structure is pixel perfect and designed with extreme attention to all the details. The black and red colour scheme gives it the edgy and retro feel ideal for the niche. It is ideal for fitness, gym, personal trainers, health clubs and similar business websites. And sure enough, every little option are added to complement the purpose. The full-width Header Slider is an awesome way to leave a lasting impression with attractive media files. Furthermore, informative contents or social media icons can also be placed within the Header. With over 16 stunning HTML files to get you started, it is sure to provide you with everything that you might require.

FitD is also completely compatible with all the major internet browsers making sure that it loads fast and easy no matter what you prefer. As it is designed for business, it even has Shop Pages and is fully compatible with WooCommerce. The HTML and CSS codes are well-commented and clean. But that’s not all, there are plenty of useful options like: Owl Carousels, Contact form, attractive CTAs, Google Fonts and icons and more. In addition to this, you can choose from an unlimited colour scheme that you can choose from. The blog pages, gallery sections and overall outlook is sure to make your site stand out. Sell your merchandise, promote your business, attract more clients only with FitD.

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Gym Breaker

Last but not the least, Gym Breaker is an awesome HTML template perfect for our list of best fitness and gym website templates. It is responsive, retina-ready and visually impactful. With 3 Gym Home Pages and 2 Home Page dedicated to the Boxing niche, it is the perfect start to your online journey. Based on the advanced Bootstrap framework, this template is flexible and efficient. The colour schemes, typographies, and fonts make this template more appealing. In addition to this, the awesome Home Page styles along with the option to add custom background enhance the look even more.

The premium template is perfect for gyms, fitness centres, health clubs, and all the similar businesses. For your convenience, it is also cross-browser compatible. Talking about the awesome features, it comes with an interactive timetable, BMI calculator, Mega menu option, Revolution Slider and much more. The stylish shop pages also makes sure that your sales increase rapidly and your products are displayed amazingly. Get everything you need in one place with a simple investment only with Gym Breaker!

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