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Bootstrap admin templates are in high demand in the market. They are easy to use, and the template creator will handle all the basic web standards. We have collected the best free Bootstrap admin template that saves you money and time in this list.

Some creators of this template have shared the complete downloadable files, which you can easily incorporate into your existing projects. Whether you are starting a project from scratch or about to revamp your web application, these free Bootstrap admin templates will come in handy for you. Most of the free Bootstrap admin templates in this list use the latest version of the framework. You can integrate them easily with the latest tools and platforms.

Concept Free Bootstrap Admin Template

bootstrap simple admin template

Concept is a free bootstrap admin template with a simple design. It gives you all the features and options you need to set up a proper dashboard.

You get the dashboard samples for eCommerce stores, finance, and sales in the default design. Unlike other freemium templates, this one doesn’t restrict the features. You can access all the options and features given in this template. As you get all the basic features in this design, the developer has reduced your work greatly. All you have to do is to optimize the design for your needs. Interactive charts are given in this template to visualize and to interact with the charts easily.

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ArchitectUI – Bootstrap Admin Template(Premium)

dynamic bootstrap admin template

The biggest advantage of the Angular framework is you can make material design easily. If you are into Google environment or love to make material design, this angular dashboard could help you. This dashboard developer has given us both a free and a premium version. This one is a premium version with multiple elements and pages pre-designed for you. But still, you can opt for the free version if you want, it is mentioned below in this list. Coming to the premium version’s features you get nine pre-made dashboard concepts, interactive charts, useful pages like login pages and registration pages are given. Since the premium version offers you tons of features, the creator has used the spaces effectively to make the options easily accessible by the users.

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Kero – Bootstrap 4 Admin Template(Premium)

ready to use bootstrap 4 admin template

Kero is an HTML5 based bootstrap responsive dashboard template. Since it is an HTML5 template, you get enough flexibility to change the template to the version you want. The well-written code base gives you a strong foundation to create your custom dashboard with the features you want. The creator of this template has given both, a fully loaded premium version and a simplified free version. This one is a premium version and the free version is mentioned below in this list. Another advantage of this design is you get vertical and horizontal templates. If your users will deal with large data and charts, the horizontal version is the best. On the other hand, the vertical design suits for productivity tasks.

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ArchitectUI – HTML Bootstrap(Premium)

responsive bootstrap admin dashboard

This one is also an HTML5 based bootstrap admin template, but you get different designs in this one. The dashboard looks clean and shows data clearly to the users. Since it is a premium version, you get plenty of elements and charts pre-designed. This dashboard will impress present-day users with its shadow effects and trendy colors. Apart from the elements, you also get one-click customization options to change the colors and tab settings. If you are looking for a free Bootstrap admin template, you can check its free version mentioned below.

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Kiaalap (Free to Download)

free to download admin panel template

Simple designs are always easy to maintain and interact with. This template’s material design lets you use it easily across all devices. The designer of this template has given the latest HTML5 and CSS3 elements to set up a professional dashboard. Visual effects are handled properly for a better user experience. The user can get the correct value on a chart or a graph by simply hovering over the required value.

A dual navigation system is followed in this template, one at the sidebar and the other at the top. If you are making a web application, you can use the top navigation bar for the pages on your website. Latest trendy icons are used for the menu options, which makes this template stand unique from the rest of the normal-looking free Bootstrap admin templates. Another useful feature of this template is the pre-integrated chat tool.

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ArchitectUI – ReactJS(Premium)

reactjs based dynamic admin template

ReactJS is one of the most preferred frameworks by developers. The ability to reuse elements on any stage of development saves plenty of time for the users. If you are looking for a ReactJS bootstrap admin template, this one is the best option for you. The developer has given you both free and premium versions of this template to give you a range of options. If your needs are higher and need to make a dashboard with fewer resources, you can go for the premium version. At the same time, if you like you to build a design from the ground, the free version will help you. We have listed both premium and free versions in this list, this one is a premium version and the free version is mentioned below.

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ArchitectUI – Vue.js(Premium)

light and fast loading vuejs admin template

Vue JS gives a familiar environment for the experienced developer. Though the developer is working with the Vue for the first time, the familiar and easy to interact environment makes the development process faster. This ArchitectUI bootstrap admin template is made using the VueJS script. The elements are dynamic, hence the user can easily interact with the template. Design-wise, this template is almost similar to the ReacJS template mentioned above. If you prefer VueJS over React, this template is the one for you. This creator also offers premium and free versions for the user, this one is a premium version and the free version is mentioned below in this list.

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Star Admin

free bootstrap admin template

Star Admin is a free bootstrap admin template with a premium quality design.

As you see in a premium admin template, all animations and elements work smoothly, making this free template a go-to option for many first-timers. The sticky top bar makes access to important information easier. Basic elements and charts are included in the free version. If you want more advanced features, you can opt for the premium version.

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Material Dashboard

free responsive bootstrap admin template with material design

This free bootstrap admin template uses the material design as the name implies.

The creator used the key characters of material design to make it stand out from the crowd. Shadows and natural-looking glass effects take the visual aesthetics of this template to another level. This dashboard template also has a premium version. Unlike other freemium templates, this one doesn’t stop you from using fundamental options. You can make a decent dashboard with the free version. You can easily work around the code and bring your custom dashboard to life if you are a developer.

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Argon Dashboard

colorful free bootstrap admin template

Argon Dashboard is also from the same creator of the Material dashboard template mentioned above. Therefore, you can expect the same level of code quality in this free bootstrap admin template.

The creator has used bigger widgets and colorful elements in this template to make the interactions easier for the users. Attention-seeking and interactive elements like call-to-action buttons are differentiated from other elements using the drop shadow effects. Because of the subtle design elements and light animations, the overall performance of this template is sleeker than you expect.

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ArchitectUI Dashboard Vue

premium quality light-weight free vuejs admin dashboard

It is the free version of the VueJS template mentioned above. You also get the same premium quality design and well-written code base in this free version. Since it is a free version, you get only limited elements and pages pre-designed for you. But the developer has given you all the basic elements and charts to let you make a proper dashboard. As all the basic optimizations are done in this template, you can easily make a custom dashboard in no time using this free bootstrap admin template.

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ArchitectUI HTML Dashboard

simple and elegant looking HTML admin dashboard

Even though it is a free version of a premium template, the developer has given you plenty of elements and charts. This template gives all the basic components, tables, and forms. The only thing you miss from the premium version is the premade different dashboard designs. You still get the trendy looking clean dashboard design in this free version. Plus, the developer has given you one-click customization options to change the dashboard’s color and customize the header and sidebar sections. If you want more elements and need to complete the dashboard quickly, you can upgrade to the premium version mentioned above.

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ArchitectUI Angular

free version of the architect angular admin dashboard

If you like the material design of the Angular template mentioned above, but want to have it without affecting your wallet, you can choose this free version. You get the same premium design quality since this template is from the same author of the Angular template mentioned above. The properly handled code structure gives you the freedom to customize the template as per your demand.

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ArchitectUI React

react based dynamic free admin dashboard template

In this free version also you get the same dynamic, easy to use dashboard design. The developer has given you interactive charts and graphs to help you show real-world data easily to the users. Though it is a free version, there isn’t any compromise in the quality of the code and the features in it. You can work manually to add the features you want and customize it easily to the way you want.

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Dashboards will save a lot of time for the online store owners. The owners can easily track their store performance and the available stocks from the admin dashboard. If you are looking for one such feature-rich free admin template for an eCommerce store, the Nalika is the best option. Since this template uses the latest CSS3 framework, more natural looking colors are used for the charts and the dashboard elements. With the dark theme, the user can easily see the elements and interact with them.

The colorful elements look attractive on the clean dark theme of this dashboard. In the sidebar, you have space to add profile pic along with their social media profile links. If multiple users are accessing the dashboard, providing the profile pic options will be easier for them to double check their account before using the dashboard. Texts are bigger and bolder for easier interaction. Since it is a mobile responsive template, these big texts are legible even on small screen devices.

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SRT Dashboard


SRT Dashboard also follows the same material design, like the Kiaalap template mentioned above. This template gives a coherent overview of all the elements with the crystal clear design. The user can easily find the data they need within a few clicks. You can completely dismiss the sidebar to better view the widgets and the stats value. Primarily this template is created for cryptocurrency websites. Hence you get plenty of elements related to it. Even live conversion tools are given in this template, but we must take care of the back-end integration. As this is a free template, we have to make our hands a bit dirty to make all the features fully functional. All the basic optimizations like mobile responsiveness and speed optimizations are done perfectly with this template. Since the developers can fully concentrate on the customization and integration part.

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Notika is a feature-rich admin dashboard template. Since both the Kiaalap and the Notika templates are from the same creators, you can see some design similarities. The creator of this template has included plenty of useful features that you can expect in a premium template. With the flat style design, this template has used the space elegantly. Elements are placed with an ample amount of space between each other. No matter how many elements you add, this template can display them elegantly to the users. Like in the Kiaalap template, this one also uses the latest vector icons.

This template also you have the chat tool pre-bundled. All the integration part is done perfectly, once the setup process is over, you can start using the tool. Instead of the sidebar navigation, this template uses a tabbed interface. Options for adding sub-categories are also given to manage the options easily.

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Suffee has a simple look with useful features. Widgets with ample amount of space help you to display the stats and other contents neatly to the users. You also get an admin notification message element in this template, just like in the WordPress dashboard. Apart from the dashboard message elements you also get a separate a notification bar at the top. The side navigation bar can be collapsed and expanded easily, accordingly the main content area also adjust. As you see this template is responsive out of the box so that your web application users can access their dashboards easily from their handheld devices as well.

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Cool Admin


As per the name, the Cool Admin has a cool trendy design. Each widget on the dashboard area is differentiated by different gradient color scheme. If you are making an admin panel for the user who manages their team and keeps track of their business, this template is the best option. You have charts, a CSS table, calendar entry, and message widget in the dashboard. Without leaving the dashboard users can chat with other users. You can integrate communication platforms like Slack to make the conversations lot more easier. Since this template uses the latest framework, integrating this template with other tools will be easy. Another useful idea in this template is the option to add the widgets to the dashboard. In the demo version, you only have the option, you have to take care of this if you need this option manually.

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Adminator is another clean admin template in this list. This template’s pristine design helps the user concentrate on the task they care. Animation effects are also mild in this template to be less intrusive in the user workflow. The designer has used the full-width layout effectively with big widgets. Each element is given ample spacing so the contents can be seen clearly. Admin template elements you get with this template are email, charts, forms, tables, and all other basic UI elements. Though it is a free template, the creator of this template gave us all the features needed to create an effective admin panel. The code structure is also made flexible enough so the developers will find it easy to work with this template.

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Gentelella is a classic looking modern admin template. The look of the template may be conventional but the features you get with this template are premium level. Every feature given in this template are in a perfect working condition from the front end. Another important feature about this template is it has three dashboard designs pre-designed for you. Visual effects are also kept minimal in this template to match the simple clean look of the template. Like most free Bootstrap admin templates in this list, this one also uses font awesome icons. Different types of charts are given in this package and all of them have their own animation effects. Settings and control options are given at the footer of the right side navigation bar. Along with this template, you also get a login form. Check out our login form template collection for more creative design inspirations.

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Shards Dashboard Lite

admin template for bloggers and content team

This template will be a good choice for those searching for free bootstrap admin templates for your blogging and content team. The clean interactive layout of this template lets the user easily see their article performance and compare their articles. Since this admin template needs to deal with multiple data, the creator has kept the design as simple as possible. Basic elements are pre-designed for you. Therefore you can concentrate on the custom features and options. The well-written codebase of this template will make the developers work simple and easier.

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SB Admin 2

stats-rich admin template

SB Admin 2 admin template will help you make a stats-rich dashboard. If you are a marketer or a data scientist, dashboards like this will help you concentrate on what matters to you the most. Drop-down actions are included in the widgets so that users can choose the options related to the widget. Another useful feature in this template is it is mobile responsive out of the box. Since this template runs on the latest Bootstrap framework, it offers you all the modern features you would expect in a present-day dashboard.

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Now UI

bootstrap 4 admin template

Now UI is the best free bootstrap admin template for data-rich dashboards. The creator has given interactive charts and graphs to let the user quickly see the data by hovering over the charts. Minimal animations make the experience a breeze plus help the admin panel load faster. Since it is a free version, only limited functions and readymade options are given. You can edit the given bootstrap files and can add your custom elements without any hitch.

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Metis is a simple admin template with tons of useful features. A few hours of working will make this template a perfect modern web admin template. Though this template doesn’t have any attractive look it is packed with useful features like skin options, fullscreen view, animated elements and lot more. The best part about this template is that it uses the latest CSS3 framework, so you can make it lively with more attractive colors and web elements. Elements wise also this template gives you lots of options so that you can create a proper web admin template for any type of web application. Profile setting options are given in the sidebar and dashboard setting options are at the top bar.

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NGX Admin


NGX admin is the most modern admin template in this list. This template has both style and features in it to create an attractive admin dashboard. As a package, the creator of this template gives you three skin variations, all of which have a cool design. The color schemes are balanced throughout the template in all its variations. Admin elements you get with this template are UI elements, forms, maps, and other basic elements. Widgets of all sizes and length are given in this template, you even get scrollable widgets. Another useful feature with this template is it supports RTL version. If you are making a multilingual admin template, this RTL option will be useful. Icons used in this template are customized to fit in well with the overall design of the template.

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Core UI


This Bootstrap admin template also uses the Vue.js, so you can create a more effective template with this one. The main advantage of Vue.js is it is flexible and easy to integrate so this template can be used for both new projects and revamping the existing projects. The major drawback of this template is it is a freemium template. This template gives you only limited options and features in the free version as all other freemium models. You can use the free version to develop your custom template if you are a developer. This template comes in a dark version but is also available in the pro version only. If you expect more elements and features in your free template, check out the other mentioned above.

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Published by Girish Karthik

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