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HTML image gallery - sonar

Succeeding in the current status of the business world requires all the resources you can use. This includes modern tools and technologies made to help strengthen your online presence. Whether you’re a freelancer, photographer, business agency or company owner, using modern tools to attract viewers on your website is an important part of the business. A strong method of improving website traction is using Image media and what better way to do it than using an HTML Image gallery.

You can preview your images in a cool and unique way using HTML galleries. Furthermore, HTML galleries are designed to be cross-browser and mobile compatible. Your website viewers can check out the images straight from their phones! You can use and edit these responsive grids with tons of animation effect to their full potential. HTML image gallery ensures that all your gallery images are responsive and even use lightbox effects to provide full-screen images to viewers.

So for today’s agenda, we’ve compiled a list of amazing HTML Bootstrap templates that fully use their HTML templates for presenting their galleries and image grids. Moreover, if you have suggestions for us to add, feel free to comment on which templates belong on this list. If you like these templates, let us know how you feel!


portfolio-centric design

Elit is a super engaging and striking photography or gallery website template ideal for the top spot on our list here. With premium like features and visual components, this theme is sure to give you that extra nudge of innovation. Created especially for the niche, it executes a flawless one-page image gallery and slideshow based structure. And it is also completely responsive and retina-ready. Apart from this, it is highly flexible and customizable offering users a range of easy to use variations. From layout styles, color schemes, to the fonts and icons, you have it all. This theme is also SEO friendly and includes options for social icons, parallax effects, animations, working contact forms, etc. Another great thing is that Elit is also cross-browser compatible and fast loading. All this in mind, we think this theme deserves the top spot on our list today!

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premium-looking free website template

Next on our list is another free gallery website template ideal for those innovative and creative individuals. If you aim to stand out, most appealingly, then this is it. Cassi features an amazing array of features like secure framework, amazing flexibility, and ultra-responsiveness to say the least. The beautiful split-screen design is the highlight here where you can easily promote and highlight the contents you prefer. In addition to this, you also get access to tons of easy personalizing options making this theme pretty user-friendly. Other mentionable components are advanced contact forms, slideshows, sliders, light and dark variations and more. Covering all of the basics, Cassi is fast loading, secure, cross-browser compatible, SEO friendly and overall a great way to start your next project.

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Tulen is professionally crafted especially with gallery and slideshow based projects and website in mind. This is why, the design and the style goes hand in hand with our amazing list of templates today. Complete with amazing imagery and excellent visuals, each section here is fully responsive and retina-ready. A catchy home page is one of the first things you will notice here. However, apart from this, you get tons of other engaging elements you can use to your advantage. From stunning animations and smooth effects, to creative typographies and fonts, you can personalize it all to your own preference. Another great thing here is the integration to Google Maps which allows one to add custom locations. Not only this, but you also get creative pages dedicated to blog, contact service and more all pre-built at your disposal. So why not save both your time and effort on your next project and get this free theme Tulen right away?

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HTML image gallery - format

Format is an HTML template designed to provide you strong online presence. This project and portfolio based template is built for agencies and freelancers alike to help them progress their businesses. Format lets you showcase your creations, projects, services, and products in an impressive and stellar manner. The parallax header with pop-up video serves a great entry point for your entire website or blog. Format provides you with an amazing HTML image gallery with a stacked grid. This HTML image gallery is further enabled with hover effects and text. Each item in the gallery can be further supplemented with an individual post or blog for further details about your projects and products. Similarly, Format also provides you with a Service listing and another Product listing section. These sections and the HTML image gallery are all lightweight and highly responsive to boot.

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HTML image gallery - connect

Connect is a perfect business website template that explores a wide range of creative aesthetics. Everything about it, from its HTML image gallery portfolio to its grid-based Home page design is unique and engaging. Showcase your products and projects in a manner that will provide you with positive responses. The split design gives a sense of minimalism and beauty to your website while putting your projects at the forefront of your website. Each project and service listing can be further improved using Icon boxes and many typography features. Connect also provides you with a custom About us page, with Team listing sections and Social media icons. Regarding clean and unique HTML image gallery templates, Connect is definitely one of the best on this list.

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HTML image gallery - flash

Flash is a fully customizable photo website template to support photographers and freelancers. It allows you to share your amazing images and projects spectacularly. The spit visual design is attractive and can also feature as a Gallery and compilation/album listing section. Preview your amazing products using a mobile-friendly HTML gallery for a complete gallery experience. Flash is also blog friendly and sports tons of elements and typography options for you. Flash is also completely social media friendly and even features an Instagram post widget for you to use on your footers. Not only does it come with custom social icons but you can also improve your website’s lead generation using its custom newsletter subscription form.

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HTML image gallery - glint

If you want a modern and stylish template that can serve as the digital forefront of your agency or company then Glint might be the perfect pick for you. Glint features a unique full-width design that uses well-segmented sections, click to hover menus and custom social icons. Use the cool About us section that features an animated milestone tracker section and cool icon boxes. It’s HTML gallery provides your website with a presentation element in the form of a project portfolio. Images in the HTML gallery are further augmented using hover effects and links to individual posts. Furthermore, Glint also provides your agency website with a testimonial section for your customer reviews. Finally, Glint is also retina ready and will fit perfectly on all display images and resolutions without losing quality.

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HTML image gallery - studio

As its name suggests, Studio is a photography website template designed to provide your viewer’s studio-grade images straight from your website. Studio uses a unique and stylish page format to present your image portfolios awesomely. The fully HTML Image gallery enabled Home page features a cool image slider to present your gallery. The fullscreen image background combined with the image slider astoundingly presents your images to your website viewers. Moreover, Studio also fully supports blogs as well as blogs with images. The HTML5 bootstrap template comes with a Blog section that also features a unique image based design for your image blogging.

Let’s not forget that Studio also contains engagement and lead generation elements. Use a custom Social icon bar and a custom newsletter subscription form for maximum viewer engagement. An important thing to note is that each element, from the forms to the Image gallery are all mobile friendly as well as retina ready. The gallery and all your page elements will resize perfectly to fit on all mobile displays and still remain fully responsive.

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HTML image gallery - photogallery

Photographers and Creative artists can also use amazing portfolio designs to improve their online traction. Placing your photographs and creative content on your online showcase website can serve you in various ways. Therefore, if you were to create an online portfolio with an HTML image gallery, Photogallery would be a great pick for you. This split screen gallery template provides a platform to help you promote and showcase all your images and projects in a distinguishing and eye-catching manner. Make use of the Masonry styled HTML image gallery for your image portfolios. Each image is enabled with hover effects and separate blog and post links. Manage single post for each image with additional information, text, categories, tags, and images. Moreover, Photogallery can also function as a blog if needs be.

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HTML image gallery - strategy

Good presentation can decide whether your career progresses or not. And in this heavily competitive market where even getting your foot in the door is difficult, you can use all the help you can get when it comes to online marketing. And thus, we introduce Strategy, a bootstrap based freelancing template that uses an amazing HTML image gallery to showcase and highlight your projects in a manner that makes it impossible for your viewers to ignore it. The neatly designed Home page makes use of both the HTML image gallery as well as a Service section while remaining to be clean and minimalistic. Strategy also provides you with a custom contact page with Google map embed. A good contact page can help you receive amazing responses from possible contracts and customers. And we’d like to say that Strategy’s contact page would be perfect at its job.

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HTML image gallery - scrape

If you want to go the full length for your creative portfolio then you can also choose to use a premium template for your career portfolio. Scrape’s a great choice for premium portfolio templates with its creative and clean design. Its use of the Morph text plugin allows you to animate text all over your website. Integrate the template’s smooth scrolling with its text reveal to wow your viewers. It’s hover effects enabled HTML image player also supports videos directly in your portfolio. Use tons of Icon text boxes, impressive carousels, team member sections, font awesome icons to take your career to the next step using Scrape.

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HTML image gallery - aoko

f’s great mix of creative design and multipurpose elements also makes it a great HTML template for your business. You can use this template to power your digital agency, businesses, company website, design studios, etc. It’s use of modern and creative elements sets it apart from the crowd of HTML templates. Everything about this template is distinct and unique. Starting from the sectioned grid based Home page with animated text icons. It’s interesting integration based design only fuels your viewers to use your website more and more. It’s material design based HTML image gallery is a great way to showcase your projects. The HTML image gallery also lets you present images using CSS3 animations.

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HTML image gallery - cocoon

Uniquely presenting images can also be quite advantageous for both entrepreneurs and freelancers. Cocoon attempts to do the same using a masonry styled HTML image gallery. Each image can be viewed in a using fullscreen lightbox viewer for better viewing. Similarly, each image can be tagged, categorized, and integrated with an individual blog. Cocoon also comes with a nifty filtering feature for your portfolio. Cocoon is also mobile friendly and cross-browser compatible. Not to mention, the template also features tons of blog-friendly features and typography options for your blogs as well. The custom designed Contact page is almost the cherry on top of the cake with its Google map embed and custom contact form.

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HTML image gallery - ping

The notable thing with Ping is its minimal design and its filterable HTML image gallery. This premium HTML template features a portfolio ready design to help your projects gain proper traction. Ping includes a cool grid-based HTML image gallery fully customizable and coded to use smooth CSS3 animations. It’s optimized coding ensures that the template’s completely lightweight and responsive. Moreover, It’s bootstrap design also makes it completely mobile friendly too. Ping is also completely social media friendly. Not only do you get custom social icons but you can also use the Flickr widget to integrate your Flickr galleries on your portfolio.

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HTML image gallery - imahe

Are you looking for an amazing free website template for your professional photography agency? Perhaps you’re looking for a platform to improve your career as a freelancing photographer or just compiling your online albums as a hobbyist? Imahe could fit all of these circumstances perfectly with its professional and modern photography design. This amazing HTML template was built on Bootstrap framework and takes pride in its flexibility and lightweightness. It’s uniquely made HTML image gallery uses a cool stacked grid alongside hover effects and tag previewing. Everything about Imahe is built to be unique and eye-catching. Everything from icon text boxes, header menus, blog layouts, and typography options. Using the template’s Instagram widget, you can embed your Instagram page onto your website.

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HTML image gallery - bato

Bato presents you with an amazing HTML image gallery enabled website template built to be easy to customize. It’s beautiful aesthetic design is sure to help you create more and more engaging content on your website. Enable ludicrously detailed images using Bato’s amazing gallery features. The gallery is also designed to be completely usable on smartphones and tablets. Bato also features blog layouts and sections for you to use. Tons of text and typography options makes it an equally viable blog for image blogging as well. Whether you’re an artist, a blogger, photographer or a designer, Bato gives you the right tools for your career progression and improve your presence on the internet.

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HTML image gallery - louie

Louie’s a great HTML image gallery template pandered to the more casual audiences. Whether you’re a photographer or a casual blogger, Louie lets you share your stories to your heart’s content to the rest of the world. This amazing HTML template provides you with great blog-centric features. From easy blog, management to post layouts andtypography options. The sidebar even comes with a custom Newsletter subscription form for your convenience. Louie’s HTML image gallery portfolio is an easily manageable image grid with a lightbox fullscreen viewer. Easily place your image collections for image blogging or photography portfolios. The custom my services page is designed to help you introduce yourself using cool icon text boxes and info text. Louie is also extremely social media friendly. Not only do you get custom social media links. You can also use an exquisite Instagram widget for your Instagram page.

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HTML image gallery - sonar

Another great photography based template, Sonar does fit the meaning of unique photo gallery based templates. The mix of minimalist elements, grid-based page layout, an exquisite carousel header and tons of visual-based image effects make Sonar one of the most impressive HTML gallery templates on this list. Sonar integrates tons of non-conventional Image grid layouts with a clean and unique background style. Sonar’s HTML image gallery portfolio comes with an introductory header and displays images in an informative and well-designed grid view. Users can also filter images on the portfolio using various tags and categories. For spicing up your website, Sonar also provides tons of custom elements such as a call to action buttons, milestone trackers, icon boxes, loaders, progress bars and more. Customization is an endless option with this amazing HTML image gallery template.

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HTML image gallery - madrid

This creatively enhanced HTML template uses a responsive minimal design to empower your portfolio. Madrid’s a premium HTML image gallery template built to help you create the most professional looking portfolios without even breaking a sweat. It’s CSS3 and W3c valid HTML code ensures that your gallery is responsive on every browser and mobile phone. Use tons of smooth page animations and parallax effects to wow all your viewers. Madrid uses premium page animations to make browsing pleasure on your website. Use the integrated Isotope portfolio plugin to create exquisite an HTML image gallery that represents your tastes in imagery and photography. Feel free to enable amazing blogs on your website. This premium template also includes tons of Google fonts, font icons and typography elements. Furthermore, Madrid is also highly SEO optimized. Ensure that you never lose in terms of Google rankings using Madrid.

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HTML image gallery - archirio


Interior designing websites take a significant amount of effort to build as well. It’s important to make your customers aware of your services and capabilities. Therefore, it is certainly a good idea to use an HTML image gallery template for this purpose. Moreover, Archirio’s a great one at that. This bootstrap template gives your website a modern and clean look built to be productive and creative. Build a strong online presence for your interior designing and architecture firms.

Archirio comes with tons of custom page templates for your website. Choose between 3 unique home page layout, all with amazing designs, cool headers and more. Archirio also provides you with various blog page layouts and sidebar options too. Create a unique project page using Archirio’s HTML image gallery. The portfolio is built to feature a masonry layout for that extra coolness factor. For making your website look more professional, Archirio also provides with a Testimonials section, a custom about us as well as a team member page.

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HTML image gallery - hendrix

If you’re looking for a creatively driven HTML template to use for your personal CV’s, portfolios or blogs, why not give Hendrix a try? This premium HTML template is created to be fully customizable, responsive, and flexible. Its wide customization option leaves the door open for maximum creativity. Choose between 6 color variations, 3 background styles, tons of font options and CSS3 animations. This fully responsive HTML5 template is also completely blog enabled with tons of typography elements to use. Use Hendrix’s custom portfolio plugin to create impressive image galleries. This portfolio can also feature amazing filtering options for your viewer’s convenience. Hendrix is a premium HTML image gallery template. Therefore, with premium prices comes premium benefits Enjoy tons of Font icons, google fonts, 24/7 dedicated support, and regular updates. You just can’t go wrong with this amazing template.

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HTML image gallery - explorer

Explorer is a free HTML image gallery template perfect for professionals and amateurs. Whether you’re using it to showcase your projects, your photo albums or artistic compilations; Explorer’s built to suit your website and give an interesting aesthetic. Use an amazingly made Home page layout with a very minimalistic feature. The home page can also feature an HTML image gallery with a stacked layout to instantly serve your viewers with your projects. The mix of the flat image gallery, minimal texts, cool grid layouts, custom social icons creates a welcoming presence. Explorer also provides a Services section that uses custom icon boxes to help you present your capabilities and creative feats. Finally, Explorer is also designed to be mobile friendly. Viewers can easily access your website and your HTML image gallery straight from the phone without reducing quality, speed or responsiveness.

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HTML image gallery - droppler

Another great free HTML image gallery to add to this list, Droppler sports tons of premium features that just makes it so perfect. This blogging friendly template gives you a fullscreen image-centric page layout for your home page. The fullscreen Menu provides you with full navigational features for you browse your entire catalog. Droppler’s blog features are certainly something to be mentioned as well. Freely use its Video and Image blogging features and integrate them onto designated sections on your home page. The sectioned blog banners will impress any viewer on the first view. Droppler also comes with many Call to action buttons and CSS3 animations to sparkle your website. Moreover, it’s HTML gallery sports a beautiful grid layout with hover animations. This gallery is also extremely easy to customize and manage.

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HTML image gallery - balay

Balay contains just the right elements to help your interior design website standout in this competitive crowd. It provides an absurdly well-designed home page that is just spectacularly made. From the fullscreen header to the Service listings and the parallax milestone tracker; Everything is made responsive and smooth to use. Moreover, Balay is completely mobile friendly as well as cross-browser compatible. It’s amazing HTML image gallery portfolio comes with like and share button and hover text boxes. Balay also makes use of amazing visual effects for its presentation. Enable smooth scrolling, image pop up effects, parallax effects, on-screen content load and more. Make use of Balay’s amazing contact page for better lead generation. Allow your possible customers to directly contact you using both this custom designed contact page and contact form. Moreover, Balay is also SEO optimized to help your blogs gain proper traction.

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Suppa blog

HTML image gallery - suppablog

Made entire to help your blog spread all over the internet, Suppa blog modern, minimal look is sure to improve the beauty of your website for sure. This super blog template is jam-packed with amazing widgets and pages to help your creativity shine. The blog template itself is uniquely designed to charm your viewers. The sidebar menu is something to be noted on this template. The pop-up menu lets you provide navigational links to pages all over the website. Moreover, the custom social icons can help you connect to your viewers using social media as well. The image scroll page is also a great medium of combining images and blogs on Suppa blog. Moreover, each blog can also contain image sliders, images, quotes and more. The blogging aesthetic of Suppa blog is truly remarkable.

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HTML image gallery - capture

If you want to be a photographer, you only need a camera and an eye for beauty. But if you want to be successful, you might need a bit more help. Capture is a template made to help you more on the digital side than the physical. This free HTML image gallery template is designed to give your photography website the enticing and interesting look it needs to gain the right traction for your progress. Use a cool photo gallery grid to showcase all your images to the world. The mix of hover options, endless image viewing and a fullscreen viewer is just the cherry on top.

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Pentax is another free HTML image gallery template perfect for any type of photograpers. Considering the elegant and beutifully designed style it features, it als adapts to all of your requirements with ease. Whether you are a pro or an amateur, this template is also pretty user-friendly. It is compelling with every little detail taken care of. Responsive, retina-ready and vibrant, this sure makes sure that your site looks flawless throughout the browsers and devices. The gallery as well as the portfolio is designed to engage your users. Not to mention that plenty of pages are dedicated to other purposes like blog, contact and testimonials. This means that not only will you be able to share your works with yout users, but you can even take that extra step to add personal contents through the blogs.

Thanks to the access to CSS based structure, you also get creative animations, hover effects and more. Strategize your contents, appeal to more users and achieve your overall goals with Pentax.

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Another one we have in line for you is Thumber, an HTML image gallery template. Unique with the layout and simple and elegant design, this template is designed especially for the niche of slideshows and gallery websites. With a visual as compelling, it is also fully responsive and retina-ready. It features an awesome slideshow based HomePage. You also get access to tons of awesome looking sections dedicated to about, photos and contact. Not to mention the amazing CSS animations and effects it uses throughout the site. There are plenty of creative elements like icons, buttons, typographies and more. It is also cross-browser compatible so that it loads effortlessly on all web-browsers. Stand out distinctly only with Thumber.

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Shutter is a stunning free HTML image gallery template that is extremely versatile and flexible. And if you want to make an impact, this template is exactly what you seek. With grid-based gallery design that is also responsive and retina-ready, this template is one-of-a-kind. The striking interface makes sure to display your work of art engagingly. Based on the powerful Bootstrap framework, it features all of the latest web-standard. The dark and broody layout with on-scroll content load option keeps things interesting. You also get access to multiple Inner Page and Home Page variations. Creative and minimal approach with the overall site design is what makes it super professional looking. Get the perfect portfolio up and running with minimal effort only with Shutter.

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Last but not least, Photon is yet another stunning addition to our list of free HTML image gallery. Designed to be a versatile photography and slideshow based website template, everything about this is unique. It is responsive, retina-ready and professional looking. The whole aspect is clean and minimal, allowing tons of space to add your contents. Even the gallery design, icons used, and beautiful typographies are simple and elegant. As it relies on the powerful Bootstrap framework, everything about this is upto par with all the latest web-standards. The overlay sidebar navigation makes it easy for your users to move throughout the site. All in all, a pretty awesome way to get started, this free template is worth a try.

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Published by Samia Rai

Avid Reader, Aspiring Writer~

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