Envato templates

The Kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor introduced in 2005. Originally this editor is introduced to fix the bugs in its predecessor, the Nvu editor. Most of you might be heard of the Nvu editor. The Nvu editor was based on the Composer component of the Mozilla application suite. Mozilla Composer component lets the user easily edit the HTML pages, emails, and documents. In the Nvu editor, the interface was made much easier so that even people without coding knowledge can easily design their web pages. The last official update for the Kompozer tool was released in 2010. Due to several reasons, the Kompozer is not updated after that. But still, many users are using the Kompozer tool because it is open-source and free. If you are looking for Kompozer compatible HTML website templates, the Kompozer templates in this list will come in handy for you.

The Nvu editor is originally designed as an alternative tool for proprietary webpage editors like the Microsoft Expression Web and the Adobe Dreamweaver. As said before, the Kompozer was released to fix the bugs in the Nvu editor and to offer more friendly features. Some of the highlighting features of the Kompozer are;

  • You can load multiple sites simultaneously and multitask your work
  • You can easily manage your files via the FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • Users can easily switch between the WYSIWYG and the HTML editor.

Since the Kompozer is a free open-source tool, you can still download and use it without any issue. The Kompozer templates in this list don’t have the Kompozer tool pre-installed for you (since it is not updated for a long time). But these templates are compatible with the Kompozer tool, so you can use them without any worries.


Bootstrap-5 based Kompozer template

Stodeo is a Bootstrap-5 based Kompozer template.

Because of the latest web development frameworks, you can easily handle this template. Plus, you can try any modern design elements and animations on this template without any worries. The creator has kept the design as simple as possible and used only the required elements on the page, which makes this template easy to handle on the Kompozer tool. You can edit the page without breaking the function and disturbing the looks. Overall, Stodeo is the best option for those who want a clean business website Kompozer template.

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personal blog kompozer template

Moose is a reader-friendly blog template. Since most Kompozer users are constantly looking for a modern blog template, this one will be a treat to the Kompozer tool fans.

The default design of this template makes it a perfect fit for personal blogs. Two-column design with alternate image and excerpt alignment delivers a visually pleasing experience. At the homepage top section, you have space to add a short intro and tell the readers what the blog is about. Lots of conversation-inducing elements are there in this template which will improve the user engagement, and the reader also feels they are really connected with the blog author.

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professional blog kompozer template

As the name implies, this is also a blog template. Those who are looking for a professional blog Kompozer template will love this template.

Lots of white spaces and neatly arranged columns let the site owner present their content engagingly on the homepage. If you are someone who prefers (paginations) over the “load more” and continuous loading, this template default design will impress you. The single blog page layout is also designed cleverly in this template. You get a sidebar and a big hero image background on the blog page header section. Most professional bloggers will love this template’s default design itself. Therefore, you can use the template as such and save your time.

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komposer website temlpate for business sites

Express is a multi-page Kimpozer template for business sites.

The creator has used smooth scroll effects in the default design; this is something you may not be able to control with the Kompozer template. But, you can edit the code and add custom effects if you want. The clean layout with lots of white space will make the basic customization experience easier for the audience. If you are planning to create a service-providing business with Kompozer, this template will be a great choice for you. All design optimizations are taken care of by the creator itself. You can simply add your content and launch the website in no time.

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Kompozer template for business sites

Buson is an HTML website template with a well-written code structure. If you are looking for a Kompozer template to make a stunning looking business website, this is the best option for you. Each section is made bigger and has lots of space in it so that the user can add large content easily on the template. Plus, handling the blocks will be easier on the Kompozer editor tool. The CSS in this template is designed cleverly to deliver an interactive user experience. Animations are short and sweet, so you can easily handle them on the editor tool and edit it as per your requirement.

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Interior Design

interior design kompozer website template

Were you trying to find a Kompozer template with a trendy design for your architect and interior design website? Well, your search ends here. The Interior Design is an elegantly designed business website template for architects and interior designers. Spaces on the webpages are utilized smartly so that the site owners can showcase their services and work neatly with their audience. All images and icons used to make this template are shared with you in the download file. Therefore, you can create your own custom design in no time with precision.

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Charity 2

Kompozer charity website template

As the name implies, this HTML Kompozer template is made for charity websites. The creator has understood the needs of a charity website and loaded this template with useful elements. For example, you get a lively bar below each charity program to show the reached goal. Lots of spaces are there for the image and the videos. Therefore site owners can explain their cause and programs clearly to the audience. Since it is an HTML5 website template, it can handle all multimedia content effortlessly right out the box. All web pages included in this theme are editable and let the developers add custom elements without any issues.

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user-friendly Kompozer templates

With pre-made niche-specific demos, this template pack will help you create any HTML website in no time. To give you more flexibility, the creator has given you both multi-page demos and one-page templates. Since this template is made for different niches, the creator has followed different layouts. The well-written code base will make the customization and integration part a lot easier. Since the original Kompozer tool received updates till 2010, it can handle the CSS3 script used in this template. The templates in this pack itself are equipped with useful features to make the customizations easier. For example, the creator has given you the shortcode options, to simply call the elements in the place you want. The clean code structure of these Kompozer templates can be load easily on the Kompozer tools and the customizations can be done easily.

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user and developer friendly website template

The Stack website template is equipped with its own page builder out of the box. Each section is treated as a block so that the user can easily drag and place the elements using the default Variant page builder. Since it is a modular style HTML template, the creator has concentrated more on the elements and blocks that on the number of pre-made demos. Over 290+ interface blocks are given in this template. The given WYSIWYG editor itself is more than enough for you, but if you still want to use the Kompozer editor, you can use it on this template. All the templates in this pack are Kompozer compatible. Since this template is designed with user-friendly features from the core working this template will be an easy job. With all these friendly options, this template becomes one of the best Kompozer templates in this list.

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Kompozer templates with multiple customization options

Porto is one of the best-selling HTML templates for its pixel-perfect design and friendly features. Nearly 75+ demos are included in this template pack and all of them are easy to edit. The creator has used a solid code base so that you can work with this template. This template is also available in other famous platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Joomla; from this itself, you can understand how flexible the code structure is. Hence, you can easily use this template on the Kompozer editor. All basic elements are pre-designed for you in this template. You can easily place the elements you want and customize it as per your needs. Kompozer templates with pre-made elements will make your job simple. Once you pick the design you like, you can easily change its looks as per your design needs.

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multipurpose website template

BeTheme is one of the famous names among professional web developers and web development agencies. With a huge array of pre-made demos, this template will help you create almost all types of websites. Nearly 450+ demos are included in this template and all of them have a stunning design and flexible code structure. Since these Kompozer templates are made using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 script, the animation effects are smooth and clean. For more precise results, you can switch to the HTML view on the Kompozer editor and edit the code. Useful plugins like the Revolution Slider is given in this template to make impressive slides in no time. Right from typographies to the fonts, everything in this template can be edited and the creator has given you multiple options to help you easily pick the design you like.

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professional looking Kompozer templates

If you like to make a trendy looking website that attracts the present-day users, the Polo template is the best option for you. The creators of this template have used all the modern design trends in this template pack. Organic shape section dividers, graceful gradient colors, and attractive animation effects will make your audience stay on your website for a longer period of time. Nearly 220+ demo variations for different niches are given in this template. With periodic updates, more new template designs are added to this pack. Developers of this template are fine-tuning the code in each update so that the website template performs better and other developers can also easily work with this template. This carefully written code base will help you easily integrate Kompozer editor to this template.

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Kompozer templates with multiple demos

The Pofo template is purely designed for the creative agencies and corporates. The modern design of this template will impress many young entrepreneurs out there. Lots of space is given between each element and section so that the user can easily interact with the website. Elements and spaces are handled smartly to give a neat tidy look to the web pages. Niche-specific homepages and inner pages will make the setting up work easier for the website owners. 28+ header designs and 150+ elements are given in this pack to make the customization job easier. When you combine the WYSIWYG power of the Kompozer tool with this template, general users can easily edit this template.

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Kompozer templates for SAAS companies

From the name itself you can understand that this template is designed for SAAS and software companies. The clean design and simple layout will help you clearly explain your services to your audience. Since this template is made using the latest HTML5 and Bootstrap 4 framework, you can add creative animation effects to deliver the content engagingly to the audience. For more animation inspirations, take a look at our bootstrap animation effects collection. Right from FAQ sections to pricing tables, everything is pre-designed for you. When you load this template on the Kompozer tool, you can easily access all the elements given in this template pack. A simple and flexible code structure will make the customization work easier.

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Kompozer templates for ecommerce website template

Wokiee is a colorful and attractive website template for eCommerce stores. Nearly 42+ demo variations are given in this pack, hence you get different layouts and designs. The creator of this template tries to make this template a one-stop destination for all types of stores. Right from single product stores to the big stores, this theme has a perfect design for you. White spaces are used effectively so that the product images look neat on your website. Plus, users can also easily interact with your website even on their mobile devices. Like most other Kompozer templates in this list, this one is also mobile-responsive out of the box. This theme is also available in the Shopify version. If you want a readymade online store theme with functional options, you can opt for the Shopify version. For more Shopify themes, take a look at our Shopify themes collection.

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creative and dynamic website template

Trydo is a modern website template for creative agencies and personal portfolios. The creator has used ReactJS in this template to meet present-day users’ dynamic needs. Hence, you get a website that is easy to interact with. You get both corporate style themes and personal website themes in this pack, which makes this template a perfect fit for all types of users. All web elements are made using the latest code script; therefore, you can handle the elements easily. Plus, you can add your custom effects easily to the elements as per your needs.

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html website template for industries

From the name itself you can infer that this template is made for industries, constructions, and other such business websites. This pack has fifteen demo versions, and all of them have an image-rich layout. You can showcase your work & facilities and explain your services clearly to the audience because of this template’s image-rich layout design. Some essential tools like MailChimp, Revolution slider, Recaptcha, and lot more to help you run a professional website smoothly. Code scripts are kept as simple as possible so that you can easily edit and utilize them on the Kompozer editor.

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HTML directory website template

Making a directory website involves lots of planning and execution. Most of your resources will be concentrating on the backend functionalities. When you use a ready-made template like this, it will help you allocate your resources on what really matters. The creator of this template has thoroughly taken care of the design optimizations and front-end code optimizations. Once you load the template on the Kompozer editor, you can edit the code as per your need. Later, you can easily add backend functionalities without breaking a sweat. The creator has used lots of lively elements in this template, so you might need to have a complete overview before editing the template.

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online ordering and online store templates

Pickbazar is another dynamic website template powered by ReactJS. If you plan to design an online store using the Kompozer tool, Kompozer templates like this will be a good choice. Dashboard templates and the online store template are also given to help you make a complete website. Every component are designed carefully in this HTML template so that you can easily edit and use it as per your needs. The creator has clearly given the code script used in this template — take a look at it to understand the template fully.

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easy to edit Kompozer templates

Novu is a simple straightforward HTML website template. Since this template is made using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 script, it is simple and flexible to use. The familiar look of this template will help the user to easily interact with your website. Plus, the website contents are easily accessible. Five demo variations and one coming soon page are given in this template and all of them follow a simple clean design. This flat design can be edited easily on the Kompozer editor. Since the Kompozer visual editor is based on the table format, this flat style design will be easy to use on the editor. If you are looking for an uncomplicated website template design that is easy to maintain in the long run, this is the best option for you.

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photography Kompozer templates

If you are looking for multiple layouts in the Photography niche, the Brailie is the best option for you. Nearly 50+ demos are given in this pack and all of them are designed for photography-related websites. Whether you are planning to make a photography studio website or a photography blog, this template has a design for you. Since it is purely made for photography niche, you get plenty of space for images. Plus, it is an HTML5 website template, so you can even add videos without any issues. For corporate-style websites, the creator has given an ample amount of space for text contents as well to let you clearly explain your services.

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interactive website template

Qwilo is a multipurpose HTML website template. The creator of this template has included designs for all types of business and online stores. To give you more flexibility one-page layouts are also given in this pack. Both trendy looking designs and simple designs are used in this template pack. Based on your needs, you can pick one and customize it.

Along with basic pages, separate portfolio page designs are also in this pack. Using Kompozer templates like this will help you create any website quickly. Mostly Google Fonts are used in this template, so you get a wide variety of compatible fonts.

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medical website Kompozer templates

As the name implies, this template is made for the medical and healthcare industry websites. The logically designed homepage puts important information at the top so that the user can easily get the information they want as soon as they land on your website. Plus, mobile users don’t have to scroll a lot because of this logical section arrangement. A visual editor is pre-installed in this template pack, but it if not a fully functional HTML editor. So for more flexibility and features, you can use the Kompozer editor. Four homepage variations are given in this pack and all of them have a simple design.

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Kompozer templates with multiple demos

Ave is one of the best selling affordable HTML website templates. It is also a multipurpose website template pack with multiple demos made for different niches. In all the demos, the creator has followed a trendy and modern design. The pixel-perfect design will give a rich look to your website. Another advantage in selecting best selling templates is you get periodic updates and new templates will be added in the updates. If you are an agency or professional web developer, templates like this are a good investment for you. Plenty of elements are pre-designed for you, all you have to do is to pick the one you want on your website.

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website template with multiple pre-made elements

One page websites are on the rise. As most website owners can’t spend much time in maintaining their website, one-page websites are loved by the business people. If you are interested in one-page website designs, the Wexim template pack will impress you. 50+ demo variations are given in this pack and all of them are one-page templates. Different layouts, different styles, and animation effects are used in this pack. Some templates in this pack have interactive animation effects, if you wish to edit the animations, then it is better to switch to the HTML editor view.

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trendy looking website template

Since this template is made for creative agencies, all the demos in this template pack is colorful and eye-catching. Nearly 41+ demo variations are given in this pack. The creator has given designs for almost all types of business websites in this pack, but most of them are for creative businesses. Gradient colors and organic shapes give a fresh look to this template. Another advantage of this template is it also has an RTL demo version. All the basic optimizations and pages are pre-designed for you. Setting up a website using this template will be an easy job for the users.

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website template with useful options

Bezel is a simple & easy to use multipurpose website template. The creator of this template has used a classy looking design which will give a posh look to your website. Proper spacing and perfect alignment help you to use this template as such. If you like to customize the segments or elements, simply load it in the Kompozer editor and start editing it. Since the Kompozer allows multitasking, you can load multiple templates and compare them side by side. Along with regular webpages, this template also has online shopping pages to set up an online store. Working Ajax contact forms are also given in this template, all you have to do is to integrate it properly into your website. If you like to have a more attractive contact form on your website, take a look at our contact form templates collection.

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Published by Girish Karthik

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