Envato templates

Every year colleges train many creative minds and professionals. Students provide new solutions to user needs and change the world. But most of the college website never changes and still have the same old school design. Understanding the user needs and present-day user demands top universities like the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan have redesigned their website and got nominated for best web design and website redesign. If you are also thinking of redesigning your website to attract the next generation of students, these free Bootstrap college templates will help.

College websites usually have lots of text content. In the old web design, we have chunky borders combined with boring bold text fonts, which makes readability a nightmare. Modern web design provides lots of design elements to present contents neatly and engagingly to the users. You don’t need to put all your contents in one place, you can take the nitty-gritty information and put them in a bite-sized format so that the users don’t feel the content overloading. All these free Bootstrap college templates have many modern web elements to manage text content elegantly so you can add all your content within the given space.

A user-friendly environment and navigation are the second most important thing to be noted on a website. Bucknell University website gives users the option to customize the content they wish to see and the best part is the website remembers your preference when you visit again. All these custom options need to be done manually based on your requirements. The free bootstrap college templates in this list are all flexible with a well-written code structure, so you can easily add any custom options.

Enlight (FREE)


Enlight is a properly organized free bootstrap college template. This template’s well-ordered structure helps the user find the information easily. Trendy color scheme and cool visual effects make this template’s design future-proof and let you concentrate on your business. The long homepage design allows you to preview all your services and other pages in your website.

As it is a multi-page template you can take the user directly to the related pages to show detailed information about a course or service. In the top bar, you have space to add social media profile links and contact details. Another useful feature you get with this template is a separate gallery page. A grid-like design is followed in the gallery page and the full image opens in a lightbox to use the full-screen space.

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bootstrap school and college website template

Nurture is a clean education website template. Though this template is primarily designed for kids education sites, its clean layout also makes it a proper bootstrap college template.

Card elements and icons effectively deliver the message clearly without taking much screen space. As an HTML5 website template, Nurture effortlessly handles the video and audio content immediately. Even if you plan to have a raw HTML website, a well-optimized template like this will deliver an uncompromised user experience.

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youthful bootstrap college template

Studylab is a youthful bootstrap college template. Trendy fonts and modern gradient color schemes will attract the present-day young students for sure.

This template is designed from an online education perspective. Hence, you get sections to list your best courses and call-to-action buttons to let the users quickly buy the courses they want. The friendly code script of this HTML5 template will make the backend work simple for the developers. You can create a fully functional online education and college website in no time with this template.

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Though Edusmart is a multipurpose website template for education niche, the neat professional looking design makes it a perfect fit for college websites. Colorful content blocks are used to elegantly highlight important texts and features. Beautiful vector icons are also provided in this template to neatly list your services and courses you offer. Since this template is designed for all types of education websites, you get promotional contents. The original courses page is designed in a commercial way, but you can easily edit it to the way you want. The creator of this template has made the code structure easy to customize.

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modern college website templates for modern users

Fox is a trendy looking modern website template for colleges and other types of educational institution websites. The creator has used the white space and the colors effectively so that you can present your content engagingly to the audience. Since it is an HTML5 based website template you have the option to add media contents like videos and audios. Colorful content blocks and rich vector icons make the Fox as one of the best premium looking free bootstrap college templates in this list. This template is made for both institutional websites and online courses offering websites, hence you get elements related to online courses as well. A full-width Instagram widget is placed near the footer to attract the present-day students. This is one of the few free bootstrap college templates that is properly equipped with the necessary elements to meet the modern student’s needs.

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clean website template for moren college websites

As the name implies, this website template is designed by keeping online education at the core. Sleek animations and the clean layout will help students easily interact with the website. Plus, new users can quickly find the course they want. Separate pages are given for courses and instructors so that you can clearly show your education quality. Since it is a free template, only basic pages are included; you don’t get special pages like the single instructor page or single course page. The entire code script is shared with you on the download file; therefore, you can create similar web pages without any issues. If you want inspiration for the instructor’s profile page design, take a look at our bootstrap profile page templates collection.

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clean professional courses and training website templates

Tutor is a smartly designed versatile website template. This template’s flexible layout makes it a perfect fit for both college websites and personal tutor websites. You can find both commercial and academic-oriented pages in this template. Hence, you might need to adjust a few pages before using it on your website. The entire code script of this template is clean and neat to make the developers’ work simple. Plus, the use of the latest code script lets the developer add any modern elements and effects without any hitch.

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online courses website template

Courses is a colorful website template. If you are offering creative courses and art classes, this template makes a perfect fit. The gradient-rich design and clean layout provide a well-balanced look to the website. Plus, the users can also easily interact with the website. Right from the homepage to the user registration page, everything is given in this template to reduce your work. A video background is used on the login and registration page, making the website livelier and gives you space to add an attractive video of your college and courses.

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modern clean university and college website template

Academics is a pristine and clean looking college website template. If you like to stick with only one color scheme and keep things simple, this website template is will be a good choice. Like few other free bootstrap college templates, this one is also designed for all types of educational websites and online courses offering websites. The top navigation bar is sticky so the user can easily access the navigation menu from any part of the website. Plus, you also have space to mention the contact information at the top bar. Most free bootstrap college templates won’t include extra pages like registration pages, but this one has a pre-designed login page and registration pages for you.

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dual purpose website template for college and online course websites

Etrain is an interactive and colorful website template for colleges and e-learning websites. The creator of this template has used modern web design effectively to present the content engagingly to the user. Shadow and depth effects are used to highlight the important content blocks without making them look odd. Like most other free bootstrap college templates in this list, this one is also made using the CSS3 script. Hence the gradient colors look more vibrant and animation effects are very natural. If you are looking for free bootstrap college templates with interactive design, this one will impress you. By making a few customizations to the design, you can make this template a perfect fit for your college website.

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education website template with promotional elements

Edustage website template is purely designed for e-learning websites. Hence you get lots of commercial elements and promotional elements in this template. But the simple layout and easy customization options of this template will help you make a proper college website. The footer of this template is made bigger so that you can organize other important links and information in one place. For more footer design inspiration, take a look at our bootstrap footer design collection. Like most other free bootstrap college templates in this list, this one has a fully functional front-end design. All you have to do is to take care of the back-end integration and adding custom functionalities.

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clean website template

Wiser website template is designed purely by keeping present generation users in mind. Big sections and bold letters make interactions easier for users. The creator has used the white space effectively to give a rich and posh look to the website. Since it is a multipurpose education website template, it gets the characters of both commercial website templates and free bootstrap college templates. All basic pages, including blog pages, are given in this template to let you easily set up a proper website. Because of the simple code structure, developers can easily work with this template and can bring custom elements easily into the design.

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trendy-looking website template

Edumark is a colorful website template for online courses offering websites. The creator has used contemporary colors and modern web elements to deliver an engaging user experience. Lots of commercial and promotional elements can be found in this template, which you can use to highlight and show your best courses. The carefully written code base gives you a fluid and smooth website interface. Since it is a Bootstrap 4 website template, it performs smoothly on mobile devices as well. Overall, the Edumark is a friendly website template for both users and developers.

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school website template

Kiddy, as the name implies, this template is designed for schools. But, you can tweak the design and use it for college websites as well. Since it is designed for school websites, the creator has used bright colors. Bright funky colors can be changed easily to professional-looking modern colors. The CSS3 script lets you use any modern colors and gradient without any issue. Big headers and footers give you more than enough room to list all your important links and information in one place. Pre-designed pages and the neat code script of this template will make the developer’s job simple, and you can have your dream website in no time.

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boostrap header with registration form

If you are looking for free bootstrap college templates that are easy-to-maintain, this one will be a good choice. Since it is a one-page template. You can manage this template easily in the long run. If you are requirements are very less and planning to use your website to simply showcase your courses and features, you can use this template as such. Or you can use this template as a base to create your own custom design. Since all the basic optimizations are given in this template, your work will be greatly reduced and can concentrate on the important pages and features.

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Eclipse is a trendy looking modern website template designed completely by understanding the present-day users need. Throughout the template, you get colorful web elements and creative designs to awestruck the users as soon as they land on your website. Since this template is originally designed for course offering websites, you get promotional banners and subscription forms pre-designed for you. These promotional elements will come in handy when you conduct an event in your college. Overall this template has all the elements you need to create a proper college website, by making a few customizations, you can use it for your college websites.

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Genius is a colorful website template that can be used for both institutional websites and online course offering websites. The designer of this template has designed the homepage with a corporate look. With the clean homepage design, you can clearly explain your courses and your unique features. Interactive web elements like carousels, animated counters and sliders are given in this template. Space for video contents is also given on the homepage, which you can use to give a compelling intro of your college and its infrastructure.

In the homepage header section itself, you have the option to add call to action buttons to take the user to your course page and registration page. Apart from the header section buttons, you also have a call to action button at the sticky top bar so the user can easily access the registration page. In the demo version, the contact page is also treated as a registration form page. But, you can make a separate page for the registration for a better maneuverability and easy web page maintenance.

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Learnit is a business style website template. Since this template is designed for commercial usage, you get elements like pricing tables and featured course sections on the homepage. By making a few customizations you can make the homepage a perfect option for the institutional websites. Lots of space is given for the image elements to present contents engagingly to the users. Other subpages included in this template are about page, courses, and course details page.

The designer of this template has used the full-width design effectively with big web elements. A fresh green color scheme is used for the web elements, which looks appealing to the eyes. In the top bar, you have space to add a contact number and social media profile links. In all the subpages you have a footer image banner section to add promotional contents. The footer section of the template is made big enough to handle all the important links. A dark color theme is followed for the footer section to make it look distinct from the main content area.

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Webuni is almost similar to the Learnit template mentioned above. This template is also designed for the commercial purpose. The flat design of this template gives you plenty of space to add as many elements as you want. On the homepage, you have promotional banners and forms to keep the users engaged. Providing an online student account will help them to easily get the materials and look after the upcoming classes. Teachers also can easily manage the students and can trace their progress. If you are planning to make such a digital platform for your students, take a look at our admin template collection to easily manage your students.

The code structure of the template is made flexible enough for easier customizations and integrations. As this template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework, you can integrate the latest tools and web applications easily. In all the subpages you have a big course search widget to let the users easily access your courses list easily. Since it is a multi-page template you can use a separate page to explain the course details neatly to the users.

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If you take a look at the recent redesign of any major college websites, you might have seen extensive use of images. When you limit the number of words, then images are the best option to help you fill the gap. Unica website template has a smart layout which gives you space for adding both image and the text contents. By placing the image holders in the right spots, the template helps you to explain the content engagingly to the users.

Long homepage design with neat segmentations helps you to list all your courses and features in one place. Below the header image slider, you have an activity bar, where you can show upcoming event details along with a countdown timer. The subpages give you ample amount of space for text contents, where you can explain all your courses in detail to the users. In all the subpages you have a newsletter subscription form just above the footer to improve the chances for collecting leads.

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Using bite-sized contents in the homepage helps you to retain the user for a longer period of time. Showing only saleable points on the homepage and providing a link to the detailed page will help you share more contents in the homepage. The Education website template uses the modern web elements to give a brief overview of your services and courses. Call to action buttons and text links are placed at the right spots you can right away take the visitors to the corresponding page. This is a multi-page template so you needn’t worry about adding extra pages. Visual effects are used to highlight the important content and grab user attention as they scroll down the web pages. A separate page for the event is also given in this template with gallery design to share your best memories with the users and encourage them to join your college.

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Course is one of the famous free Bootstrap college templates, which can be used for both educational institutions and online course offering websites. In the homepage, you have category blocks in the header to take the user directly to the section they like as soon as they land on your site. The top navigation bar is treated as a separate element and stays sticky at the top for better user experience. In the top bar, you also have an option to add contact number, which improves the visibility of the number. Shadow and depth effects are used to differentiate important web elements from the rest of the web elements. The bright yellow color scheme of the template looks attractive on the clean white background. In the footer section, you have space to add a few lines about you, links to other important pages and social media profile links.

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If you are making a website for arts and creative course offering college, then this template is the best option for you. In a normal professional layout colorful modern web elements are used to make this template stand unique in this list of free Bootstrap college templates. On the pristine clean background, the flat color web elements look attractive and easily highlight important contents. Scrolling effects are used to give an interactive feel as the user scrolls down the pages.

Accordions and content blocks present more content within the given space. You also get animated counters to share some interesting statistics about your college. Since this template is primarily designed for online course offering websites, you get pricing tags in this template. In the top bar and in the navigation bar you have the option to add call to action buttons, which you can use for the online registration page.

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Knowledge is a fresh new template with a contemporary style neat design. The designer of this template has treated it like a corporate template with educational website features. Texts are also used as a part of the design which adds richness to the visual of this template. In the top bar you have space to add video contents; by default, the video opens in a lightbox with full video control option, but you can use your inline video player as well. Advanced search bar option is also given in this template to help the visitors easily filter and see the courses available in the college. In the homepage, you also have space to feature some of your best instructors and faculty members. The Knowledge template is filled with tons of useful features, which you will find it useful as your website grow.

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Edusite is a proper professional website template. This template does not include any fancy stuff, which makes it a perfect option for all types of business website. The detailed homepage design helps the user to have a complete overview of all your courses and services in a quick glance. Since video contents outperforming all other content types, the designer of this template has given you more space to add video content. As this template uses the latest HTML5 framework, it has native support for multimedia contents. To make your customization work lot simpler, font awesome icons are used. In the font awesome icons, you have plenty of optimized icon options for almost all famous topics. Image parallax effects are given in between the section to help you highlight the important contents. You can also use the parallax section for adding promotional banners.

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University is a simple yet elegant looking website template. On the clean white layout, this template uses modern web elements to present the contents engagingly to the users. Mild color schemes are used to match the simple design of the template. Vector line icons used in this template are mostly related to the education niche so you can use the icons as such. Shadow effects are used to highlight the important web elements form the clean flat layout design. With this template, you also get user login form and registration form. As e-learning is widely spreading having an online hub helps the students to stay updated on daily schedules and also help them to access the materials whenever they want. Look at our dashboard template collection to easily manage your online members.

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Unicat is the best option for design course and other creative course offering colleges. Most new visitors to a college website are there to know about the college and the courses available there. If you are having multiple departments and offering more courses, giving an advanced search bar will improve the user experience. In this template, you have an advanced search bar with a filter option in the header so that first-time visitors can directly jump to the page they want. Each section in the homepage is separated by geometrical shape pattern sections to avoid the same boring design from header to footer. This template gives you both blog page template and single blog page template to help you share important events and news with the students.

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Lingua is a simple and minimalistic website template. The clean design of this template gives a distraction-free environment for the users. This template is best for colleges offering different language courses and literature classes. Right below the header section you have a carousel to show the language courses. The flexible design of the template makes it possible to use it for any type of college websites. This template uses the code standard followed by professional developers, so developers will find extremely easy to work with this template. Blue and yellow color schemes are used for the web elements, which draws user attention easily on the required web elements easily.

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Maxitecture is a modern creative website template designed for architects and construction websites. Clean design and neatly organized sections make this template a perfect option for any type of institutional websites. Drop shadow effects are used to make the important web elements distinct from the rest of the elements. Since this template is designed for creative professionals, it has an artistic touch.

Ample amount of space is given for both images and text contents. With this design, you clearly explain your services, courses, and unique features of your institution. In all the subpages you have a section to list the awards and nominations your institution received; elements like these will increase your credibility. Visual effects are kept simple to match professional website standards. The footer section of the template is kept simple, where you can add few page links and a newsletter subscription form widget. This template follows the code structure followed by professional web developers, so other web developers will also find this template easy to use.

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For those who can’t spare much of their time for website and need to maintain it easily, the Standout is the best option. This is a one-page website template with all the options to explain the services neatly to the users. Since this template is primarily designed for a SAAS company website, you have plenty of elements to showcase the app screens. You can use these image elements to show the infrastructure and other unique features of your institution.

This template’s designer has used light and dark color schemes to elegantly highlight the important contents. Texts are bold and big so that the users can easily read and interact with the template. All the elements are tuned for the mobile devices so you get a seamless performance across all devices. The Standout template is easy to set up and maintain in the long run. This template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework, so you can add additional pages as your demand grows. In the top bar, you have space to add social media profile links, which you can use to add contact details. Properly arranged sections will help the user to have a quick overview of your courses and other facilities.

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Elearn, as the name implies this template is primarily designed for the online course offering websites. This template includes both professional and promotional elements in its design. Content blocks are made bigger and longer so that you can add contents of any size without any issue. In the homepage, you have an image slider at the header section with a call to action buttons. The transition effects and other animation effects in this template are smooth and clean. Spotlight content block is placed next to the header section to feature the best courses. Forms and one line registration forms are given in between sections to increases the chances of collecting visitor email address. To make your email marketing effort easier, we have collected the best free easy to use email templates, take a look it for modern email templates.

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Straightforward design always helps you get the right audience and a better response. This template is the best option for the colleges offering design and computer courses. Neat content elements help you to use text contents and give a brief overview of your courses. Vector line icons are used to elegantly represent your courses and features. The creator of this template has shared all the images, fonts and icons used in the download package so you can customize the template easily In all the subpages you have an image background in the header section, which you can use to show related images and promotional quotes. You also get a login and registration forms with the same simple design.

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Academy is a complete website template package. This template includes everything from loader design to the contact page. All you have to do is to add your content and kick-start your website right away. Each section on the homepage is made big enough to incorporate big images and text contents. Logically arranged sections help the user to understand all your services at a glance. Line icons are used in this template and they are customized to match the overall design of the template. Another useful feature with this template is a mega menu option, in which you can list all the related options and categorize them You can even add images in the megamenu to show latest events and other promotional banners.

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Clever is another minimal website template for college websites. Intuitively designed homepage design not only helps you list your courses but also to promote your best courses. Pitch black bold texts are clearly visible on the clean white background. All the web elements are made big and scaled for small screen devices as well. As more and more website traffic is coming from mobile devices, having a mobile responsive website help potential visitors to reach you on the go. Bright blue color schemes are used in for the web elements to elegantly highlight the important contents. As a package, you also get a form templates and animated counters in this template. Animation and visual effects are used mildly in this template to match the overall minimal design of the template.

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Educrown is a one-page website template. If you are looking for a simple and easy-to-maintain website template, this is the best option. You can even use this template in your existing project. As this template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework you can easily integrate it with other tools and platforms easily. The designer of this template has given you all the options to create an effective college website. Visual effects give you more space to add content within the given space. The only thing needed to be added to this template is the subpages. Other than that this template has all the options to set up a college website. You can also use this template as a base to create your custom website template. Detailed use of commercial purpose is given on the template info page.

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Ezuca is an image-rich website template. An image equals a thousand words, the use of images not only explains the contents elegantly but also gives some life to your website. Adding custom and event images encourages the visitors to know more about your college. Since this template is a one-page template tabbed interface is used to list all the courses in one place. In the default design itself, you have space to add video content. An ample amount of space is provided between each section and web elements so that the user can easily interact with the website The footer section is made big enough to hold page links, widgets, and social media profile links.

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Papers is a multi-purpose business website template. This template helps you to concentrate more on the text contents. If you are in a revamp process, you can easily transfer the text contents to this template. With the help of modern web elements and elegant-looking fonts, this template helps you to present the contents neatly to the users. The font used in this template uses only less font-weight, as a result, you get better readability even in crowded text places. In order to highlight the important text contents, colorful content blocks are used, which gets users attention as they scroll down the pages. Like most other simple website templates, this one also uses light color schemes.

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Atomic is an agency-style professional website template. As it is a professional website template you have ample amount of space for both text and image contents. Texts of different weightage are used in this template to naturally highlight the important points without disturbing the overall design of the template, Each section in the homepage is made big enough to handle large contents and big web elements, In between sections you have animated counters to share some interesting stats about your college. Other pages included in this template are the about, services, gallery, and contact pages. This template also includes corporate style blog design to help you share news and event updates.

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Martxa is a premium class website template you get for free. The creator of this template has given us three homepage variations and all other important subpages pre-designed for you. All you have to do is to choose the design that fits you; add the contents and kick-start your website right away. All three homepage variations have their own unique segmentation and layout design. Lots of white space is used in all the variations and subpages to present the contents neatly to the users.

As this template has pre-designed multiple pages, you can use them as your website and needs grow. The template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework, hence you can easily integrate this template with modern tools and platforms. You can also use this template for other business websites as well. The creator of this template gives us both a free license and a commercial license, check the info link for further details

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Academica is a well-thought-out and well-executed website template. You can use this template for both colleges and online course offering websites. An advanced search bar is provided in all the subpages and on the homepage to help the user easily find the course they want. On the course page, you have a big section in the header to highlight the featured courses. Since this template is designed for online course offering websites, you have star rating below each course to encourage the user to select the best course The footer sections help you to categorize the courses and list the important page links related to that particular page.

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Published by Girish Karthik

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