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24 Best Baseball WordPress Themes 2024

Baseball is one of the famous games in America. In the time of 1950s, you can hear the baseball commentary running on every store’s radio. Now due to technological development, we can see the match update from the smartwatches itself. Based on your location, Google cards will show the related match results. In this technological world, having a modern baseball website will help your club’s hardcore fans to stay updated about your matches. These Baseball WordPress themes are equipped with features you need to meet the present-day audience expectations.

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27 Easy To Use Kompozer Templates 2024

The Kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor introduced in 2005. Originally this editor is introduced to fix the bugs in its predecessor, the Nvu editor. Most of you might be heard of the Nvu editor. The Nvu editor was based on the Composer component of the Mozilla application suite. Mozilla Composer component lets the user easily edit the HTML pages, emails, and documents. In the Nvu editor, the interface was made much easier so that even people without coding knowledge can easily design their web pages. The last official update for the Kompozer tool was released in 2010. Due to several reasons, the Kompozer is not updated after that. But still, many users are using the Kompozer tool because it is open-source and free. If you are looking for Kompozer compatible HTML website templates, the Kompozer templates in this list will come in handy for you.

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35 User Friendly Tooltips CSS For Websites & Applications 2024

Tooltips play a major role in the user experience. If you are an app developer, you have to make sure that the user knows each and every option on your app. Mentioning what the particular option or the function does will help the user know what to do. No matter whether you are using a simple design or a new creative design, using tooltip in your design will always guide your users. In this list, we have collected tooltip design for all types of websites and applications. For your convenience, we have collected both hover tooltip designs and clickable tooltip design. Most of the designs have very subtle animation, so you can even use them in your contact form and other types of form designs.

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26 Best Magento 2 Themes and Templates 2024

Magento 2 brought many useful features. In fact, Magento saw a major leap in its second iteration. Hence, you have to pick Magento 2 themes in order to enjoy the latest feature the Magento has to offer fully. For starters, the biggest step up is the admin panel. Magento 1 users might take a little time to get used to the new admin panel, but it is far more better than the Magento 1 admin panel. Everything is direct, and the site owners can customize the panel to access important information quickly.

The welcome addition in the Magento 2 is the drag and drop function to customize the store look and easily manage it. For example, if it takes nearly one hour to rearrange the products and home page sections in Magento 1, it would nearly take 10 mins max in Magento 2. Now you might understand why I mentioned you have to pick “Magento 2 themes” in order to experience the latest features. All themes in this list support Magento’s latest iterations, and they will be periodically updated to meet the latest standards. As a result, you will have complete peace of mind.

Here are the best Magento 2 themes to help you make a powerful online store.

Best Magento 2 Themes

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31 Magazine Mockups For Niche Specific Designs 2024

Collection of best magazine mockups to help you showcase all types of designs. All major magazine sizes and cover types are covered in this list to make your job simple. 

“Digital killed the magazine industry”, really!? The answer is no. Cygnus Business Media CEO Jhon French has noted an interesting behavior. People in the age group of 20 to 30 years are showing more interest in reading magazines than ever before. Especially the independent and niche related magazines are loved by the people in the age group mentioned above. If you are making a magazine design, especially for the mass audience in the age group mentioned above; these trendy-looking magazine mockups will come in handy for you.

The sudden surge in the magazine readers rate is related to several factors. One of the most important factors is that people are aware that false and fake news is spreading fast in social and other digital media. For example, several problems faced by Facebook in the past few months show the trustworthiness of the contents we see and share. Readers are now ready to pay for original and trustworthy content. Niche-specific magazine with authentic details and articles written by field experts is gaining momentum among readers. When authentic details are combined with visually striking designs you can grow your reader count. These magazine mockups will help you showcase the beautiful and lively design of yours.

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25 Best Computer Repair WordPress Themes 2024

Tech companies release new products every year. Computers and gadgets become increasingly powerful with each update and make our day-to-day tasks much easier. But do we buy computers and gadgets every year? The answer would be a BIG NO. Today’s computers and gadgets cost thousands of dollars, so buying a new computer is not easy. If you are a PC user, you can easily upgrade your desktop by swapping the motherboards and chips. Mac is another story, you can’t even open it without proper tools and expertise. Thankfully, several computer repair centers help us easily fix or upgrade our computers and laptops. If you are helping people have a great computer, make an old computer feel like a brand new computer, these computer repair WordPress themes can help you reach more people.

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31 Free Keynote Templates With Interactive Design 2024

List of best free Keynote templates to create stunning and interactive presentation slides within minutes. 

Keynotes play a predominant role in business. Even big tech giants like Apple and Google use keynote presentations for their conferences and product launches. If you are searching for modern and creative free keynote templates like the templates used by big corporates, well, you are in the right place. In this free keynote templates list, we have collected some of the best templates with interactive design.

Designing a slide is the most difficult part of the presentation. We are very much limited with space, of course, we can add as many slides as we want. But when you add more slides, your presentation becomes boring. The points in the slides are to be crystal clear and the important points must be highlighted. The free keynote templates mentioned in this list use interactive design to help you engage the audience easily.

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34 Best Link Style CSS Best Practices & Examples 2024

Creative link style CSS design examples to help you create visually attractive link styles. 

Right from the early days of browser history, that is nearly the mids of the 1990s, the link style remains almost the same. The default link style CSS designs are

  • Links are underlined
  • When a link is visited it will be in purple
  • Links that are not visited will be in blue
  • Important links like call to action buttons have an outline around them

People’s mind is set to this basic link styles. When designing a link style, we must be careful not to move far away from this characteristic. For example, you can play with the colors of the links, stroke widths of the underlines, a little bit of animation to link, and call to action buttons unique from the normal design. In this list, we have collected link style CSS best practices that fit modern mobile users and browsers.

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22 Best Carpet Cleaning Website Template 2024

Carpet cleaning service alone can bring consistent revenue to a cleaning service company. Among all the cleaning and janitorial services, carpet cleaning alone holds 10% of the overall cleaning industry revenue. Whether you provide residential cleaning services, corporate cleaning services, or both services, the carpet cleaning website template in this list will help you create a proper website.

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22 Best HTML Food Website Templates 2024

As a business owner, you should be completely capable of expanding your business through the internet. This is true, regardless of the business you own. Whether you’re a restauranteur, a farm owner, a cafe owner and so on; it’s essential to understand how much of an impact an impressive website can have on your business. Moreover to that extent, how much of an effect using Food website templates can have on the presentation of your website.

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25 Best Resume Website Templates 2024

With the versatility and accessibility of premium website templates, we’ve seen more and more people use them for personal websites. Competing with other people on the internet for selling your resume and CV and freelance work has become more and more complicated in recent years. Thus, to stand out, you need to use every tool available, and one of these highly effective tools are resume website templates.

Using premium resume website templates, you don’t have to worry about coding or web designing to set up spectacular personal websites. Standing out against competition using a fabulous website is so much easier with these templates. Resume website templates let you easily showcase yourself and your strengths as well as projects.

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author website templates featured image

26 Best Author Website Templates 2024

With the advent of cheap printing costs and advertisements, authors worldwide have started to gain a higher number of chances for publishing books and content. The Internet provides users with various means of exposure and recognition as well. It’s much easier to become an author in the current year of 2019 but what about becoming a popular one? This is where the use of personal and marketing websites come to use. Using a website as an author to help your works flourish is not only useful but almost crucial. These websites open up many avenues to help you get your name out. This can be in the form of trial and demo sign-ups, e-marketing, additional blog content and much. And, for this sole purpose, UiCookies brings you this list of excellent Author website templates to help your task.

Each of these author website templates will help put the focus onto your written content and help you flourish using different mediums. Furthermore, these HTML bootstrap templates also provide you with maximum lead generation as well as provide you a platform to connect with your viewers more

Browse this entire catalog to find the website template fit for your needs? Moreover, if you have any recommendations to add to this list, feel free to comment about them as well.

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25 Best HTML Gallery Website Template 2024

Galleries are a great way to showcase your work to your preferred audiences. Whether it be your art, paintings, jewelry pieces, fashion line, or anything. And now that everything is turning digital, why waste tons of time and effort to organize a gallery event just to showcase your hard work? Take it a notch further with an online gallery website template, a perfect way to appeal to a larger range of audiences. Today here at uiCookies, we have made a list of the best possible options for WordPress themes and HTML templates you can get a head start with.

The highlight feature here is surely the amazingly designed Gallery sections. And we have also made sure that alongside this, there are tons of useful features accompanying it. Making sure of both the visuals and efficiency aspects of these, we are sure that these options will elevate your work of art to the next level. While the list below is all premium options, we have also covered the free templates on our other listing right here.

So without further ado, let’s get onto the list right away!

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30 Best UI Kits To Start Web And App Designing 2024

Being a web developer or mobile application developer is the best thing. Daily you have to find an innovative solution for the most common issues in a visually appealing manner. But in the development process, certain mundane tasks are repetitive. In those cases, you can use these UI kits, save time, and use it productively for other important processes.

Each application or web development process will have a unique feature, in some cases, it will also be the highlighting feature. To develop these unique features with the special requirement you have to spend most of your time but at the same time, we must complete the project within the deadline. Using UI kits will help you speed the normal processes.

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23 Best Creative Multipurpose Website Templates 2024

The great thing about using a lot of premium WordPress themes and Site templates is the sheer number of features packed into it. These templates are designed to be versatile and flexible. You can blog on them, manage an eShop, market your products, create a social platform, and more; These templates let you do it all, on a single platform. Essentially, if you want to cover all grounds regarding online content, using multipurpose website templates can be a great idea.

But the sheer number of multipurpose website templates available on the market is just staggering. Our viewers might just get confused if they were to search them up on ThemeForest at this very instance. With thousands of premium multipurpose website templates competing, making a choice can be quite tough. So, to help our readers out, we’ve compiled this short list of the best Multipurpose website templates. These templates have been added on this list based on the sheer number of features they provide. Wide range of demos, customization options, ease of use, and more; We’ve checked out multiple parameters to find you the best templates available on the market.

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